Hinckley Times

Payment problems at Barwell tip


D Alfred (letters page 15 March) accurately sums up my thoughts on the subject of taking rubbish to the local tip.

At Barwell there is a member of staff to ask what rubbish you have so that you can be directed to the appropriat­e dumpster. Or, is it so as not to miss an opportunit­y to make a charge.

I was also told that I would have to pay to dispose of glass from an old summer house. I was prepared to do this but cash was refused, I had to pay by debit card.

The hand held terminal did not work, my fault apparently as I insisted on entering a pin number for my own personal security as opposed to a contactles­s payment.

After many failed attempts the charge was waived. A member of staff complained that had I not insisted on using my PIN the problem would not have arisen and in any case I could have taken the matter up with my bank in the event of a dispute.

To ensure that residents of the Borough do the ‘right thing’ recycling at home or at the tip should be first and foremost, simple and user friendly. Fly tipping is a blight on the countrysid­e and I include Burbage Woods in this definition as it is frequently used by people to dispose of rubbish.

My own experience of dealing with the local authority is that there is no accountabi­lity and there is no sense of the council working for the residents and seriously looking at concerns or offering practical help. A Darby Burbage

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