Hinckley Times



WITH just an hour left in Saturday’s Higham Lane Fishery open Dean Hughes was struggling to catch on peg 2 but when the angler on peg 1 packed up things started to pick up.

Fishing down the margins towards peg 1 produced a run of decent carp that took Dean from zero to hero and he finished with a match winning 67lb 12oz catch. Paul Gardner was at the other end of the lake on peg 17 and caught fish throughout the match to take second place with 57lb 11ozs. John Varley finished a close third with 56lb 5ozs while Richard Wells completed the top four with a 52lb 10oz catch.

Wild and windy conditions kept catches down at Maynes Lakes with several pole sections being broken and umbrella’s taking off. Alby Beehl mastered these difficult conditions landing 33lb 3ozs of carp on pole fished pellet for top catch on the day.

Results; Pool One, Section One: Alan Wilson 22lb 2ozs from peg 32. Section Two : Colin Bent 17lb 1oz from peg 35. Pool Two Section Three: Alby Beehl peg 7. From next week these matches will revert to five hours, with the draw still at 10am, fishing 11am till 4pm.

Wednesday’s freezing wind also ruined Lychgate Fisheries Open. With only odd carp prepared to feed bites were hard to come by. Paul Bates needed just 8lb 6ozs from peg 20 to win. Ian Shirley came second with a 7lb 8oz catch while John Bates weighed 3lb 4ozs to finish third.

Paul Cayless completed a double by winning Mill on the Soar’s Tuesday Open for the second successive week after drawing the same peg again. Fishing peg 2 Paul pole fished pellet and sweetcorn baits to land 23lb of carp and bream. Pete White finished second with a 15lb 15oz catch from peg 17 with Mick Linnett taking third place with a 15lb catch.

There were some decent catches in Brookfield’s Sunday Open at their Stoke Golding water. Danny Ross lead the way from peg 24 with a 30lb 4oz catch. Ian Shirley came second with 21lb 10ozs with Ray Lewis finishing third with a 21lb 4ozs.

Thursday’s Higham Lane Fishery Open match was won by Paul Cook with a 46lb 11oz catch from peg 19. Dave Causen was second with a 36lb 9oz catch with Clive Oliver came third with 29lb 11ozs.

There will be a different format to the annual Arthur Clarke Memorial contest at Maynes Lakes. Instead of a one off match, this event will be fished over the first Wednesday in April, May, June and July with the angler who has the highest overall weight over the four matches declared the winner.

Mill on the Soar are running an open match on Sunday April 23. Tickets are now available from Julie, phone 07775 647088.

Shackersto­ne hold their AGM on Tuesday April 11 at the Rising Sun in Shackersto­ne. This is the most important AGM for a number of years and all members are urged to attend.

Higham Lane Fishery have open matches every Thursday and Saturday. Draw 9am.

Lychgate Fisheries have open matches every Saturday and Sunday, contact Paul for further details.

Brookfield have an open match this Sunday, draw 9am.

Mill on the Soar have an open match every Tuesday, draw 8.30am.

Maynes Lakes have an open match every Wednesday, draw 10am, fishing 11am till 4pm.

Lychgate Fisheries have an open match every Wednesday, draw 9am.

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