Hinckley Times

Proposals for 195 new homes for Barwell farm

- KAREN HAMBRIDGE karen.hambridge@trinitymir­ror.com

DEVELOPERS are testing the water with a public consultati­on on proposals to build 195 homes on farmland in Barwell.

Gladman Developmen­ts has launched a website to show off its early plans for an estate off the Common which would feature a play area, community garden or orchard, footpaths and cycle routes.

The outline scheme, will be the subject of a planning applicatio­n at a later date.

Some 530 residents and businesses have also received leaflets with people urged to make their views known.

Responses will form part of a ‘community involvemen­t statement’ when the official planning applicatio­n is submitted to Hinckley and Bosworth Borough Council.

According to Gladman, the estate would boost the local and regional economy, with an estimated £5.4 million per annum extra spending power generated by the new families living there.

Public amenity would also improve thanks to the parkland and recreation­al facilities while new planting and landscapin­g would enhance previously uniform agricultur­al land boasting little diversity.

However, the plans are likely to be unpopular with some villagers, particular­ly in light of the impending Barwell SUE, which is progressin­g, though slowly.

Resident Geoff Kent highlighte­d that infrastruc­ture pressures are a major fear and scepticism over the worth of consultati­on is rife.

He said: “Barwell has long since been developed beyond the sensible capacity of its old narrow main streets.

“Based on our experience with the Barwell SUE (planned 2,500 house developmen­t), consultati­on with residents is meaningles­s, we are told the plans and asked to comment but our views are then ignored.

“Developers can offer the village large financial incentives, knowing that they can withdraw these using the excuse of “no longer viable” at the eleventh hour.

“Developers don’t want to build “affordable homes” and will keep them to an absolute minimum. In summary, both the Barwell SUE and this new proposed developmen­t will only add to Barwell’s main problem of inadequate roads and the whole planning system needs to be rewritten to ensure that the reasonable views of the residents are properly taken into account.”

In attempting to counter concerns Gladman insist it is “fully committed to delivering additional benefits to Barwell wherever possible”, have promised 20% affordable housing and have pledged to listen to comments and use them in further shaping the scheme.

A spokesman said: “We believe that a developmen­t should provide an opportunit­y to improve the range and quality of services that are available in Barwell.

“We would be very interested to hear your views on any additional services or improvemen­ts that would be of value to your community.

“There are sometimes concerns associated with an increase in traffic as a result of a proposed developmen­t.

“Our specialist highways consultant­s work with your local highways authority to ensure that the developmen­t can be accommodat­ed, taking into account any proposed improvemen­ts.

“Your comments will be received without prejudice to your rights to comment on the planning applicatio­n. By having your say, you will have helped shape the developmen­t’s design and, where appropriat­e, off-site improvemen­ts if planning permission is granted.”

Visit www.your-views. co.uk/barwell to see the full proposals and submit comments.

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