Hinckley Times

Tredinnick just towing party line


NEVER been political. Never marched. Never put anyone’s political campaign poster in my window. Always voted Conservati­ve; helping Adam Butler and David Tredinnick to be re-elected for decades.

I’ve always believed – and still do – that hard work should be rewarded and entreprene­urial skills are to be encouraged; if you work hard and become wealthy, good for you. Things began to change for me with the proposed closing of our cottage hospital in Mount Road.

I am increasing­ly appalled at Mr Tredinnick’s lack of support to keep this hospital open and, his lack of aspiration for the residents of our borough in his determined stance of towing the party line of NHS cuts rather than saving what is essentiall­y a pearl within our community. He rallies behind the Clinical Commis- sioning Group’s myopic strategy of ‘scrap it and centralise’; a clinical commission­ing group comprising minimal representa­tion from Hinckley and Bosworth who will reap what they sow.

What Mr Tredinnick fails to see, in his astrology, navel gazing or anywhere else, is that some things transcend monetary value.

Some things are good things even when the cost to provide them outweighs the revenue they bring in; think school milk, think school meals, think libraries, think food banks, think social housing. He is also consistent­ly conspicuou­s by his absence for most other Borough concerns.

Conversely, Michael Mullaney seems to have been forged in the same fire as David Bill; always giving far more than he gets from his time and efforts fighting for better servic- es and facilities for our Borough.

I have watched Mr Mullaney and remember marvelling at him becoming a councillor at such a young age.

I thought he would give up and quit long ago. Thankfully, he hasn’t.

I would urge other Conservati­ves to reconsider the value, or lack thereof, of re-electing Mr. Tredinnick.

I would urge careful considerat­ion of who can do the most, who has the greatest appetite, who will fight the hardest and, put the most pressure on bureaucrat­s for our collective benefit. I am as confident Theresa May will give us a hard Brexit as I am Mr Tredinnick will continue his lacklustre performanc­e – Mrs May can afford to lose one seat; make it ours. Jane A Link

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