Hinckley Times

What jobs are mostcommon in the region?

- CLAIRE MILLER hinckleyti­mes@trinitymir­ror.com

PEOPLE in the East Midlands are more likely to work as environmen­tal health officers, groundskee­pers or senior police officers than those in other parts of the UK.

New government data has given a unique insight into the jobs people are most likely to have across the country, with nearly a third of the UK’s environmen­tal health profession­als, 31%, living in the East Midlands, 2,938 workers in total in 2016.

You are also more likely to meet agricultur­al machinery drivers, 19% live in the East Midlands, and sewing machinists, 19%.

Among the jobs where the highest proportion of those doing the job live in the East Midlands are printers, 16%, groundsmen and greenkeepe­rs, 16%, senior police officers, 14%, and those who work in road constructi­on, 13%.

The most common job in the East Midlands is sales and retail assistants, with 69,000 across the region, followed by jobs such as admin assistants, clerks, and office administra­tors, 61,000, and elementary storage workers, such as those who work in warehouses, of there are 56,000.

Across the UK, the most common job is sales and retail assistants, with 1.1m working across the UK. This was followed by people in jobs such as admin assistants, clerks, and office administra­tors, of which there are 774,000, according to the Office for National Statistics.

There were 746,000 care workers and home carers in 2016, as well as 643,000 nurses, with cleaners and domestics completing the top five with 580,000 working in 2016, according to the figures from the Labour Market Survey. which

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