Hinckley Times

A time of celebratio­n and superstiti­on


TUCKED between the cold nights of winter and the falling leaves of autumn we have Halloween - a time of celebratio­n and superstiti­on.

But where did the spooky day come from and why do we celebrate it?

The spookiest time of the year isn’t just a time for kids to dress up and trick or treat.

It’s thought Halloween started with the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain, when people would wear costumes and roam to ward off ghosts, but it’s down to Pope Gregory III’s decree in the eighth century that we celebrate it as we do.

Why do we celebrate Halloween?

Samhain (sow-in) marked the end of summer and the harvest and heralded in the colder months. Celts believed that on the night before the new year the boundaries between world of the living and the become blurred.

Traditiona­lly people wore costumes, animal skins and heads and attempted to tell each other’s fortunes. By 43 AD the Roman Empire had conquered most of the Celtic territory and over the years of their reign they combined their festivals with the Celts.

The first was Feralia, a day late in October where Romans marked the passing of the dead. The sec- dead ond was Pomona, the Roman goddess of fruits and trees. The symbol for Pomona is an apple - and people see this as the reason “bobbing apples” became a tradition associated with Halloween.

It was in 609 AD that Christiani­ty changed the festival to add praying for the dead.

The Pope designated November 1 as a time to honour the saints and martyrs, a holiday that became known as All Saints Day. The day took on some of the Samhain traditions. The evening became known as All Hallows Eve - Halloween.

The next day, November 2, is All Souls Day, when the dead are remembered. To Christians, All Souls Day is a time for people to pray for the dead.

The tradition was based on the idea of purgatory - a stage between heaven and hell. It also begins ‘the month of the dead’, which takes place in November in the Christian tradition.

It was thought Christians were trying to make the day a sanctioned Church holiday but All Souls Day kept many of the Samhain traditions.

Over time it’s become a secular festival best known for children donning costumes and masks to scare others witless and garner treats. Of course, the tradition made it’s way to America.

By the 19th century, with the influx of immigrants, Halloween took over most of the country. Americans would visit neighbours and ask for food which later became known as “trick or treating”.

While Halloween went out of fashion in the 1800s and was seen as a pagan belief, it wasn’t long before it returned and became what we know and celebrate today.

Around the world, many countries have their own weird Halloween traditions - and some of them are downright bizarre - and there’s no end of urban myths designed to freak you out.

We have rounded up some terrifying Halloween tales as well as the origins behind some of the most well known traditions on October 31.

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 ??  ?? A couple of meerkats inspect a carved pumpkin at a Halloween photocall at Bristol Zoo
A couple of meerkats inspect a carved pumpkin at a Halloween photocall at Bristol Zoo

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