Hinckley Times

Attendance­s at hospital jump by 20 per cent


PATIENTS needing help from Nuneaton’s hospital has risen by 20 per cent with a record 280 attendance­s in just one day.

The extent of the pressure being currently being faced by staff at the George Eliot Hospital has reached an all-time high.

Only three years ago, the average attendance was 160 to 190 people a day, that has now risen to 280.

In fact, the situation has gradually increased this year alone according to Ian O’Connor, the Eliot’s finance director.

“The average attendance­s at the beginning of the year were 225, now it is 20 per cent higher,” he said.

John Thompson, director of operations, added that the hospital can see up to 60 ambulances per day too.

Such pressure is not lost on Kath Kelly , the hospital’s chief executive, who said that it was an issue on the lips of many chief executives when they met with Jeremy Hunt, the Secretary of State for Health, at the start of the week.

When we are operating at these levels and then when you put in the winter, with the conditions associated with winter months, it does put stress in the system,” she said. Mindful that winter is coming and the added extra pressure it brings, the chief executive was keen to ensure that the hospital is as prepared as possible to ensure that it can cope with the expected flurry of even more people needing care.

“When I was at the chief executives’ meet- ing, they did acknowledg­e the stress that was in the system, there is concern about the numbers last year, but it is making sure we are safely managing our services over the winter months.

“We will be challenged in terms of impact of performanc­e and in terms of the volumes that we have in the ED (emergency department) we just need to assure ourselves, as a board, that our winter plans are robust enough to keep services safe.”

John Thompson said that he and his team had been working since the spring on the winter resilience action plan and, this year, the hospital should benefit from the extension to the accident and emergency department into a ‘one stop shop’ for emergency care.

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