Hinckley Times

Barwell born and bred and I want to rest in peace here


BORN, bred, educated, worshipped, married, raised a family, played sport in Barwell.

So you can imagine to rest in peace in Barwell’s Kirkby Road Cemetery, along with four generation­s of my family, might be a fitting final part of my life when it comes.

Most of my family’s gravestone­s have the inscriptio­n RIP, but it can not mean Rest In Peace because on making enquiry to the Barwell Parish Council I was told in no uncertain terms that the plot my mother purchased in which my parents are buried has only a few years left, as you can only buy a lease not the freehold.

So how can anyone rest in peace in Barwell’s Kirkby Road Cemetery when the parish council have the jurisdicti­on as to the future use of this land?

In my opinion the residents of Barwell should have a stronger voice and opinion that the parish council. Several extensions to the cemetery have taken place over the hundreds of years that this resting place has served the generation­s in Barwell and long may it continue.

Pressure must by put on the councillrs to ensure it is secure for families to say farewell and Rest In Peace to their loved ones rather than feel that this ground could be used for other purposes when the lease runs out. What is it earmarked for in the future?

I appeal to the village residents to make sure they elect the councillor­s who will give assurance that it will continue to be a place where Rest In Peace can be assured by people who choose this as their resting place.

The parish council should give assurance that they will not eject the residents from the cemetery following the end of their lease without consultati­on and agreement with the Barwell community observing the nationwide practice to Rest In Peace in the place your choice.

Ron Foster, via email

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