Hinckley Times

Man faces time in jail for shining laser at pilot


A MAN who shone a laser pointer into the eyes of a police helicopter pilot has been warned he faces jail.

On October 10, Neil Wright was “larking around” at his home in Croyland Green, Thurnby Lodge, Leicester, with his uncle when the police helicopter passed overhead.

Wright, aged 34, who is on benefits, pointed the laser at the cockpit of the helicopter, blinding pilot Captain Andrew Gill.

He was so disoriente­d by the light in his eyes he had to turn the helicopter.

Officers on the ground were immediatel­y sent to Wright’s address where he was quick to admit his “stupid” action.

But when he appeared at Leicester Magistrate­s’ Court to plead guilty to endangerin­g an aircraft he was told the starting point for the crime would be six months in prison.

Because of the limited sentencing powers of the magistrate­s, the case has been adjourned for sentencing at Leicester Crown Court on November 24.

Prosecutor Sally Bedford told the court: “The only sentencing power this court has in relation to this offence is an unlimit- ed fine.

“If you feel it necessitat­es more than a fine you will have to commit to crown court.

“In 2015 a similar case resulted in a six-month sentence of immediate imprisonme­nt for shining a laser light in the cockpit of an aircraft.

“In this case, Captain Andrew Gill and two officers were on board the police helicopter at 11pm on October 10, carrying out enquiries in the Humberston­e area.

“What the pilot reported was seeing a green laser light directed towards the helicopter.

“The pilot became dazzled and had to turn the aircraft away from the light.

“Shining the laser light presented a danger to the eyes of those on board.

“And should the pilot have lost control then not only those on board but those on the ground would have been in danger if the aircraft crashed.”

She said Wright “readily handed over the laser pen” when officers went to his address and admitted he had been the one who shone it at the helicopter.

She said: “He didn’t know why he had done it, he said.”

Helen Riley, representi­ng Wright, tried to argue that her client could be punished without a sentence of custody.

She said: “Mr Wright made a very silly decision.

“He didn’t even realise the laser pen he had would be powerful enough to reach up that far or that it was the police helicopter he was shining it at. “He was larking around. “But Mr Wright appreciate­s the potential for what could have happened and what a silly thing it was to do.

“He co-operated fully with the police, handed over the item and apologised in interview.

“He’s done everything possible to mitigate the stupid decision he made.”

However, the court clerk interrupte­d Ms Riley and told her she would have to advise the three magistrate­s to send the case to crown court.

The magistrate­s released Wright on unconditio­nal bail to be at Leicester Crown Court on November 24 at 9.30am.

They also ordered a presentenc­e report to be carried out.

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