Hinckley Times

Hundreds oppose homes plan for Big Pit

1,700 sign homes petition as council set to discuss proposal

- KAREN HAMBRIDGE karen.hambridge@trinitymir­ror.com

A PETITION with 1,700 signatures has been handed in protesting plans to fill in and build homes on Hinckley’s Big Pit.

The document was presented to Hinckley and Bosworth Borough Council by campaigner Dan Stokes with the aim of it being considered when the issue went to planning on November 7.

However, the format has been questioned by officials at the borough who say it cannot be accepted on the latest planning applicatio­n as it doesn’t refer to it directly nor include the planning applicatio­n number.

In any case the bid, from housing associatio­n Orbit, has now been put to the December 5 planning meeting.

Dan said: “This petition has been in the process of being collated for over 12 months, meaning that there is no way we would have known about the most recent planning applicatio­n.

“It does refer to the site itself and any developmen­t, therefore both myself and all of the signatorie­s wish it to be noted with respect to the most recent planning applicatio­n.

“The general consensus is that the local general public wish for their thoughts against this to be noted and taken into considerat­ion by Hinckley and Bosworth Borough Council. The feelings of 1,700 local residents cannot be ignored.”

Despite the hiccup it appears the council may consider the protest under the Petitions Scheme.

If there are more than 500 verified signatures, the petition will be considered by full council. Signatures are in the process of being verified.

Speaking about the submission delay, Lib Dem ward county councillor Michael Mullaney said: “Obviously this just reinforces the point that there are serious concerns about the viability of any developmen­t on this site, and I remain of the opinion that the planning committee should reject the applicatio­n whenever it comes to the committee.

“I’ll be attending the planning committee on the 5th in order to speak as the county councillor for the area of the Big Pit in order to implore the plan- ning committee to reject the applicatio­n.”

Campaigner­s have been pressing for the Big Pit, a flooded former clay quarry, to be protected for years.

Efforts were derailed in December 2014 when a Government inspector upheld an appeal for infill works.

The bid had been turned down by Leicesters­hire County Council. Earlier this year it became clear Orbit Housing Group was interested in the site and a full planning applicatio­n for the constructi­on of 60 homes is pending.

Before this the watercours­e will have to be filled with some 75,000 cubic meters of inert material.

Opponents to the scheme believe the site should be preserved as a nature spot and are convinced any physical works will disrupt local drainage increasing the risk of flooding.

There remains contention over whether the pit is spring fed.

Orbit say surveys and reports demonstrat­e the proposals are technicall­y acceptable and the developmen­t will provide valuable, affordable housing.

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 ??  ?? Big Pit off Ashby Road in Hinckley. Picture: Kevan Kirby
Big Pit off Ashby Road in Hinckley. Picture: Kevan Kirby

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