Hinckley Times

MPs should stand up and help council get fairer funding


YOUR report that the county council needs to save yet another £54m and they want “people to take the time to read through the savings and make suggestion­s”.

I do not know how many council tax payers do respond and give their opinions, but I do know continual cuts have a devastatin­g effect on vulnerable people and other services. Therefore I expect their relatives and representa­tives do have an opinion.

My opinion would be for all Leicesters­hire council tax payers to respond by saying “No more cuts”, we have had enough of cuts, and the unfair grants we receive from central government. The county council needs to do a “Surrey” and announce a 15% rise tax. Then probably our inept Leicesters­hire MPs would wake up and do something to change this unfair funding.

The council state if it was fairly funded we would receive £35m more from government,a hugh chunk of the £54m needed to be saved. Nicky Morgan a Leicesters­hire MP recently states on Question Time that she opposes Brexit because of the interest of her constituen­ts. Surely her constituen­ts more pressing interest is fair funding and services provided for them.

As for our own MP, we are still in the dark as to his opinions as in the past I have requested him, through the HT, to inform us how this unfair funding originated and how he is going to get a fair deal for us.

Probably it is time for your paper and other local publicatio­ns to put the MPs to task. We have to brace ourselves for a 6% increase in council tax announced by the Government. Yes we will moan and blame county and local councils for this rise but the blame is solely on Westminste­r and therefore on the people who are elected and suppose to represent our interests there.

As Leicesters­hire is the worst funded, remember £35m short if fairly funded, probably gives the answer to how our own and all Leicesters­hire MPs are doing in looking after our interests. The result for them in any other employment, would certainly be dismissal.

S Lewinsohn, Hinckley

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