Hinckley Times

Ferry company that never was shows what a shambles Brexit is


COULD anything better symbolize the folly of S(O)S Brexit than the ferry company that never was, a ghost ship sailing to a derelict port unable to dock even a dinghy - overseen by a Transport Minister who would sink in a paddle boat on a pond?

Yet he is not the least competent of the Tory crew - never forget Jolly David Davies who turned up to meet an astonished Admiral Barnier without so much as a biro and sheet of paper, let alone a map. Then we have Midshipman Fox who set out to sail around the world to strike new trade deals but who never got beyond the Isle of Wight and is somewhere in the Channel, befogged.

But the award for the least able seaman of all should go Captain Pugwash herself who spent two and half years looking for buried treasure, only to return with an old tin can which she insisted was a good prize,the best prize, the only prize - and then got her motley crew to sling it overboard, getting frosty with the nasty natives who sold it it to her.

What would her friendly shipmates in the press-gang say of Captain Corbyn if he had docked with this codswallop? Who would have laughed loudest at Pugwash - Raleigh, Drake or Nelson? Why on Earth should we trust her and her skeleton crew to navigate even choppier waters and come up with the goods, post March, on this evidence? Ahoy there!! Time to abandon SOS Brexit before it founders - get into the lifeboats - and row back to safety! John Payne

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