Hinckley Times


- With Loris Rey – Trinity Lane Church

WHEN I drive through the more affluent areas of a city or town, and see the expensive houses, designer shops and luxury car dealers, I wonder to myself, is this where happiness springs from?

Shopping there may be someone’s idea of living well, but for others it’s just a dream.

I once noticed a man sleeping rough. When he got up you could see a dry patch where he had lain through the night. He had a shopping trolley loaded with everything he owned. In some affluent areas, if this chap had tried to spend a night there, he would have been moved on by a security guard. The shop owners don’t want homeless people to upset the atmosphere of a happy, carefree shopping experience.

What would Jesus have thought of this? Would He be tender toward those trapped in their high spending lifestyles? Would He challenge the downand-out to get up, go find a job and toss aside his shopping trolley? I don’t know, but there is one question I can’t escape; what would He want me to do?

In The Bible, compassion always means action on behalf of someone.

If we study Jesus’ life, it’s not sentiment, but action. Should the “haves” share with the “have-nots”?

In Jesus’ teaching, we who are blessed by His touch on our lives, are expected to be involved in the lives of needy people, whether rich or poor.

We can’t stereotype people into convenient little boxes as we encounter people one at a time. What I’ve found far more consistent and easy to understand is the way Jesus treated people. And that is the same assignment He has given to you and me.

Jesus said “You say you love me, that’s good. Now go and do my work in the world. Love and serve people in my name. I’ll be with you, right by your side. Remember, love them according to their need, not according to what they have. Be compassion­ate, just as your Heavenly Father is compassion­ate.”.

I understand the charge I’ve been given and I really want to live that way. All people need to see Jesus and experience His touch of mercy. Jesus also said “I assure you, as often as you did it for one of the least, you did it for me (Matthew 25: 32-46).

That’s my call in life. Maybe yours too?

We are called to minister with Jesus, to the one driving a shopping trolley or a Rolls Royce.

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