Hinckley Times

Unlicensed driver led cops on chase around villages

- CIARAN FAGAN hinckleyti­mes@rtrinitymi­rror.com

AN unlicensed driver led police on a chase around two villages before trying to escape on foot.

John Rickell repeatedly broke speed limits throughout the pursuit in Barwell and Earl Shilton.

Eventually, the 25-year-old turned into a dead end, abandoned his BMW car – and his two passengers – and made a run for it, a court heard.

He was tracked down to a nearby field and arrested.

He appeared at Leicester Magistrate­s’ Court to plead guilty to failing to stop for police and driving without due care or attention.

He also admitted having no licence or insurance at the time of the incident on Sunday, October 13 last year.

Prosecutor Stacey Mills told the court the police had spotted the defendant and two passengers in a

BMW saloon and began following it at a distance. A short time later, they found it parked in a nearby street.

However, as the officers approached, Rickell put it into reverse and drove off at speed.

At that point, the officers contacted colleagues who were authorised to conduct a pursuit.

The pursuit came to an end when Rickell drove into a dead end, Ms Mills said, adding: “He got out and attempted to make off on foot and was detained a short distance away in a field. When arrested he admitted he did not have a driving licence.”

Rickell, of Avenue South, Earl Shilton, chose to appear in court without legal representa­tion.

Asked to account for his behaviour, he said: “I don’t know. It was a stupid mistake. I have changed my life around. I don’t hang around with the same crowd anymore.”

District judge Nick Watson banned him from driving for four months and told him: “This was a very bad bit of driving. You are lucky you were not charged with a more serious offence.”

He was also fined £620 and ordered to pay prosecutio­n costs of £85 and a victim surcharge of £62.

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