Hinckley Times

Giant Crossword DOWN



1 Eye specialist­s (8)

5 Deadlock (7)

9 Abductor (9)

14 Ingenuous (5)

16 Obesity (10)

23 Absent pupil (6)

24 Chess manoeuvre (2,7)

25 Young birds of prey (7)

26 Obtain (3)

27 Elaborate, enlarge (9)

28 Implement (4)

29 Planned (10)

30 Imbalanced (7)

31 Sean __, UK actor (4)

32 Reflexive form of ‘it’ (6)

33 Proofing mark (4) 2 Woodworker (9)

3 Protagonis­t in a film or

play (7,4)

4 Gundog (6)

6 Dinner, for example (4)

7 Potent drink (8)

8 Fanatic (10)

9 Genuflects (6)

10 Excavate (3)

11 Means (8)

12 Mail (4)

13 Boat racing contests (8)

14 Chemical (5)

15 Unexpressa­ble (9) 34 Obsolete (7)

37 Dramatic platform (5)

38 City in Nebraska, US (5)

39 Custom (5)

40 Cushioned vehicle (10)

42 Explosion (5)

43 Reignites (8)

48 Therefore (4)

49 Surgical knives (7)

50 Discourage (4,4)

51 Drinking establishm­ent (3)

52 Overseer (10)

53 Radio presenter (6)

58 Garden plant (5,3)

61 Platitude (6)

62 Hankered, longed (7) 17 Drug (6)

18 Tied (8)

19 Completely empty (7,4)

20 Impassive person (5)

21 Under hypnosis (2,1,6)

22 Wonderful (9)

31 Devotee of literature (8)

35 Beams (7)

36 Ostentatio­n (5)

41 Easily upset (6)

44 Use as part payment (5,2)

45 Smack (4)

46 Sticks (7)

47 Incursion (5) 63

Fish of the genus Hippocampu­s (8)

65 Blood relationsh­ips (6,4)

70 Practising (10)

72 Becomes aware (8)

73 Endeavour (7)

74 Oh dear! (6)

75 Building material (8)

82 Former Spanish monetary

unit (6)

83 Adversity (10)

85 Scrap (3)

86 Border region (8)

87 Release (7)

88 Bombard (4)

94 Killer (8) 54 Assistant (4)

55 Encounters (5)

56 Supporting (7)

57 __ Ora, UK singer (4)

59 On the other hand (7)

60 Relaxation (4)

64 Aperture (4)

66 Country in Asia (5)

67 Sift (6)

68 Form a relationsh­ip

with (8)

69 First batsmen of an

innings (7)

71 Nickname for Ireland (7,4) 95 96 97

Images (5)

Of feeble character (4-6) __ Jones, early-modern English architect (5) Ghost __, 2007 film starring Nicolas Cage (5) Instil (5)

Century (7) Needle case (4) Expects (6) Locate (4) Entertaine­r (7) Greet (5,5)

__ Redding, US soul singer (4)

114 Lawyer (9)


99 103 105 106 108 109 110 113 76 Expanded (4)

77 Tailor’s device (4,7)

78 Away from the right

path (3,6)

79 Italian city (5)

80 Item of jewellery (6,4)

81 Groundhog (9)

84 Woman with a will (9)

89 Washerwoma­n (9)

90 Piece of unexpected good

fortune (8)

91 Rural (8)

92 Remedy (8)

93 Additional comment (8) 115 Impair (3)

116 Large feline (7)

118 Impudence (9)

119 Evaded (6)

120 Stationery fasteners (10)

121 Levied (5)

122 Loitering (9)

123 Old Testament book (7)

124 Anxiety (8) 100 Endure cheerfully (4,2)

101 Docile pet (6)

102 Wallows (6)

104 Extreme (5)

107 Equipped (5)

111 Map (4)

112 Abominable snowman (4)

117 Monica __, UK author of

Brick Lane (3)

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