Homes & Antiques


Bright, colourful and shapely, fruit is a pleasure of life that deserves to be shown off, so make sure you choose a bowl worthy of its tempting bounty


Fashion an eye- catching display on your dining table with a striking bowl, heaped with colourful fruits

Similar to a vase of flowers, a heap of fresh fruit in an eye- catching bowl adds a finishing touch to a kitchen or dining room that can’t fail to put a smile on your face. Fruit, in its many shapes, sizes and textures, not only o ers a mouth-watering morsel, but is also colourful and cheerful to behold. Artists have appreciate­d this for centuries, putting the fruit bowl at the centre of many a still life. Italian master Caravaggio, for instance, found nothing more pleasing to depict than a receptacle overflowin­g with apples, pears, figs, grapes and pomegranat­es, as shown in his c1599 painting Basket of Fruit. While French Impression­ist Paul Cézanne was another artist who dedicated many of his artworks to lush, fresh, fruit. Picasso, Matisse and Braque all emulated his example. With this in mind, why not follow suit and bring a striking touch of colour and art to your table with one of these beautiful bowls…

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