Horse & Hound




Overheard in a tack shop, a customer wanting advice on which fly spray to buy. “Well I wouldn’t get that one,” the assistant said, after a pause for thought. “It says all-natural so it’s bound to be rubbish.” Chemicals all the way then? Splendid.


Ah, the FEI. Proposed rule changes cover everything from blood on the horse to tweaks to last year’s new rules. “Is there someone at the FEI whose job is changing rules and they have to feel they’ve got a purpose?” a rider asked. Don’t even ask about Nations Cup rules…


Good for the Great Yorkshire Show for sticking to its guns and asking riders too heavy for their mounts to get off. But there were arguers, including one who accused the show of “encouragin­g eating disorders”. Or promoting welfare and good practice, we think you’ll find.

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