Horse & Hound



Sir — Thank you to Pammy Hutton for raising an issue about

experience­d internatio­nal riders and horses entering novice dressage classes (opinion, 20 July). As someone at the lower end, it is heartening to hear that those at the top see the absurdity too.

I have done eight British Dressage (BD) tests in my life, all at elementary bronze. I set myself a goal of doing novice silver for regionals and music tests, and elementary bronze for area festivals. As the Area Festivals take place earlier in the year, I qualified for these first. I then gained a personal best of 69.5%, but this has now knocked me out of novice silver into novice gold, so now I am competing against pros and internatio­nal riders.

I understand BD’s intention to allow these riders to bring on young horses at the lower levels but because of timing,

Area Festivals being earlier in the year, a single score can bump an inexperien­ced rider into gold before having a chance to gain the silver points needed for regionals.

If BD won’t reconsider the top level of this group, it should look at those at the bottom end now having to compete against experience­d pros from one good score mid season.

Lyn Willis-Fleming

Guildford, Surrey British Dressage’s Jason Brautigam replies: “We acknowledg­e that this rule has caused a problem and accept that this can be viewed as unnecessar­ily punitive. Other riders have already raised this issue with us and it will be addressed as a priority for next year’s rules, which come into effect from 1 December 2017.

“The general principle that the best combinatio­ns at all levels should compete in gold remains, but we constantly review figures and statistics to ensure we have a level playing field for all competitor­s.

“We are sympatheti­c to your current situation and will take your feedback on board.”

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