House Beautiful (UK)

Conquer summer allergies


Long sunny days and warm evenings with the windows open sound heavenly, but for anyone who suffers with allergies, it’s no fun in the sun. Here experts give their tips and natural remedies to help you feel better.

‘Stopping the cause of hay fever – namely pollen – from getting into the body is one of the best ways of stopping or reducing symptoms,’ says Max Wiseberg, an expert in airborne allergies. He’s also a spokespers­on for Haymax, an organic, drug-free balm that traps more than one third of pollen particles, and says, ‘Tying up long hair and wearing a hat to prevent pollen being caught in your hair will help, as well as showering before bed to get rid of any traces.’

Anshu Bhimbat, pharmacist for Lloyds Pharmacy, suggests, ‘Don’t hang washing out to dry on high-pollen-count days, and cover your pillows when you’re not using them to stop pollen that settles during the day.’

While Frida Harju, nutritioni­st at the Swedish health app Lifesum (, has an alternativ­e weapon against hay fever. ‘Try adding spices to your cooking! Not only will it make your food taste delicious and speed up your metabolism, but eating fresh ginger will act as a decongesta­nt,’ she says. She also suggests avoiding coffee as caffeine ‘can trigger histamine release, which could exacerbate symptoms.’

 ??  ?? Hang out washing only on lowpollen days
Hang out washing only on lowpollen days

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