How It Works

Battling behemoths


It is still not completely clear what caused the Quaternary extinction event that led to the eradicatio­n of all prehistori­c megafauna around 10,000 years ago. However, it’s safe to say that human hunting played its part. But how did our comparativ­ely small ancestors go toe-to-claw with prehistori­c giants? Confrontin­g these giants armed with massive claws and tusks presented dangers to both man and beast. Earlier this year, palaeontol­ogists discovered a set of fossilised ground sloth tracks that appeared to have a collection of human footprints stalking it. Though no remains of a successful hunt where found near the tracks, it seems that our ancestors may have hunted by ambushing their prey rather than tackling it head-on.

 ??  ?? Prehistori­c hunters may have laid in wait to ambush giant mammals
Prehistori­c hunters may have laid in wait to ambush giant mammals

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