Huddersfield Daily Examiner

Dumped at the takeaway


THE owner of this pick-up truck may have a hefty fine to pay – if they ever move it.

A Ford Ranger has been abandoned at the Gallagher Retail Park in Waterloo for three months, according to local people.

The pick-up truck was spotted – badly parked over a hatched area – in the number one car park space outside the McDonald’s fast food restaurant.

A check on the DVLA website shows that the vehicle has not been taxed since July. However, it does have a valid MOT certificat­e.

According to readers on the Examiner’s Facebook page, the truck broke down spilling oil all over the car park – and was then abandoned by the owner.

The car park is run by parking firm Parking Eye which issues fine notices for vehicles which stay too long.

But fines are only triggered by cameras when a car leaves the car park – and this one hasn’t turned a wheel in weeks.

Kirklees Council says it has no power to deal with abandoned cars that are on private land, and neither does West Yorkshire Police.

A council spokesman said: “It is the responsibi­lity of the land owner, or potentiall­y in this case, the management company of the retail park.”

The Examiner contacted the owners of the retail park but there was no response. Staff at McDonald’s declined to comment.

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