Huddersfield Daily Examiner

Good cop, mad cop A


HIGH speed car chase, cops and baddies hanging out of the windows shooting each other, and some top-notch banter.

Within two minutes, we’re transporte­d straight back to the buddy cop movies of the 80s and 90s, which starred Mel Gibson and Danny Glover as the detective duo fighting crime in LA.

There’s nothing particular­ly gritty or profound, and you’ll be clomped over the head with every twist and plot line. But for a Friday night action fix, with lots of explosions and comedy from the mismatched partners, this does the job.

And who can blame someone for deciding to remake the classic movie franchise, which made a billion at the box office?

In this version, ex-Navy SEAL-turned detective Martin Riggs is played by Clayne Crawford, while family man and by-the-book LAPD detective Roger Murtaugh is played by Damon Wayans.

Roger has just had a heart attack and needs to keep his stress levels down, so his fancy heart monitor wrist watch will not like Riggs, who has just moved to California for a new start.

You’ll find out why he wants a new start – and why he’s drinking endless shots and staring at his gun – within the first few minutes.

Then it’s straight into a bank robbery with hostages, and Riggs striding straight inside to confront the bad guys, then sauntering back outside eating pizza without a care in the world.

“Does he want to die?” screeches Roger to his boss (Kevin Rahm). It turns out that he does indeed have a death wish, not helpful for Roger’s heart rate. But there’s no time to panic.

A mere 13 minutes into this episode and we’re on to the next case – LA crime just never lets up.

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