Huddersfield Daily Examiner

Book tickets early for Comic-Con at College


THE mystery of a demolished pelican crossing has been solved, according to police.

Mangled railings and traffic lights at the Berry Brow crossroads were allegedly caused by a truck driver, with the entire calamity caught on camera.

West Yorkshire Police posted pictures of the damage and a still of the alleged culprit on their Kirklees Rural Twitter account earlier this week.

The neighbourh­ood team wrote: “The mystery of the demolished traffic lights has been solved! Vehicle caught on camera. Driver traced, interviewe­d and reported to the Court.”

It comes after a witness to the collision, on Saturday, February 11, called the Examiner claiming he saw a truck “going too fast around the corner”.

He said the truck ploughed into the railings at the crossing on Woodhead Road, opposite the Laxmi restaurant, as he drove down Waingate and turned left towards Honley.

The witness added that the driver stopped briefly to look at the damage before driving off, although he managed to catch his registrati­on number with the intention of alerting police.

The squashed wreckage was eventually cleared up after Kirklees Council work crews turned out to remove the railings and cone off the missing barriers. morning and convention.

“I knew he was from Bradford and asked him if he wanted to come to his home county for a show.

Then I worked on bringing the double-act back together for a photoshoot with ‘Rex,’ my pet T-Rex.”

Tickets at £8, £6, £4 and £20 are available from the Comic Con website Sean Freer, Kirklees College digital marketing officer, with Red Cape’s Kirsty Doolan and Kirklees College marketing and PR officer Vicky Dacre

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