Huddersfield Daily Examiner

Why you could be ARRESTED if you ignore new litter squad


YOU could be arrested for refusing to give your details to Kirklees Council’s new litter squad.

The council has confirmed officers working for private firm Kingdom can call the police if they have witnessed an offence and the perpetrato­r refuses to co-operate.

A spokespers­on confirmed it was a separate offence to not give your name and address if accused.

They said: “The officer can call for assistance from the police, who can require the name and address to be provided. If name and address are still not provided, the person can be arrested.”

The hard-line tactics to clean up the streets have also seen new rules brought in to tackle irresponsi­ble dog owners.

Anyone walking a dog who cannot prove they have a bag in their possession to pick up the muck will be issued a fixed penalty notice, the council has confirmed.

The tougher rules are at odds with common opinion that the privatelye­mployed officials are powerless citizens who cannot enforce the fines if people decline to give their details.

Clr Martyn Bolt, former cabinet member for highways, said: “This may cause issues if there’s confusion about the rights of these officers. I hope the cases we’ve seen nationally – the really extreme ones like the chap who was fined for dropping his bookmark – are not repeated in Kirklees.

“There are issues that need dealing There are issues that need dealing with, like flyposting, dog fouling, actual littering and people throwing cigarettes out of cars

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