Huddersfield Daily Examiner



I’ve not really had a holiday for about 40 years because I have been in the shop 24/7

“I was about 22 when I last had a holiday!

“My time here is going to be shortlived; I’m going to put it on the market and hope I can sell it to a family. I would like it to remain as a shop because there’s a lot of history to it.”

Locals clearly love the shop, so much so a Facebook appreciati­on page called ‘Paul’s Shop’ has more than 4,500 ‘likes.’

Paul, who lives above the shop, thinks the humour on the page – putting his face on T-shirts and mugs – has gone a bit too far and “hijacked the shop”.

“I wasn’t right sure about it as I don’t have a computer or a phone. I was told it was a young lad and his mate doing it for a laugh.

“They pinched the identity of the shop and were amusing themselves.

“The lad (who set up the Facebook page) got a bit silly in recent times, putting my face on this, that and the other.”

Despite the cheeky humour, customers have posted many kind comments on the page.

Claire Ellis said: “Excellent, friendly service. Massive range – from gorgeous sausages, dry cure bacon and ham to light bulbs, loo rolls and great sweeties. Support your local shop.”

Kelly Aitcheson added: “I love this little shop, it’s like stepping back in time. I don’t go in very often but when I do the man behind the counter is a nice fella.”

Paul’s friend David Gallagher said the shop hadn’t changed a bit for as long as he could remember.

“It’s always been the same. There’s stuff in the shop that you can’t get anywhere else. Paul is a sound person and he’s old school and that’s what you like nowadays.”

He added: “Other businesses are out to make profits but Paul stops and talks to you.”

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