Huddersfield Daily Examiner

‘Invincible­s’ record beckons for Field


opened the scoring with a penalty before, an offload from No8 Sharpe, allowed Malthouse to break the line and score.

Bell added the goal and repeated the feat after Grainger got the second try.

Rossendale responded at the start of the second half with an early try but the dominant Huddersfie­ld scrum allowed Sharpe to gather the ball and get Huddersfie­ld’s third try. which Bell converted.

Bell kicked a second penalty and then a clever pass from the fly-half put Workman through to score and Bell added the goal.

Rhodes, who’s in his final season with the club, got Huddersfie­ld’s final try and Bell landed his fifth goal.

“The first half was pretty evenly matched,” said head coach Gareth Lewis. “They probably dominated the territory as we struggled build pressure in the opposition half following some good exits.

“We were under intense pressure for the opening ten minutes of the second half until we finally clicked into gear.

“Our set piece began to dominate, we started to win the collisions and played to the game plan, mixing our running and kicking game.”

Lewis is glad that his side get a break from next weekend to allow players to rest and freshen up before they face Sandal in their final match of the campign.

“It was hard going out there and there are a few battered bodies but we’ve got a week off now and then we begin the build up to our cup final,” added Lewis.

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