Huddersfield Daily Examiner

Mystery man hands out cash


SHOPPERS have spoken of their astonishme­nt after seeing an unknown man handing out envelopes of cash to the homeless in Huddersfie­ld.

The anonymous hooded man has been seen on two occasions simply handing cash to people sleeping rough in the town centre without a word, before walking off.

And despite his identity being unknown, members of the public have spoken out to say ‘thank you’ to whoever he is.

Mum Fatima Dadhiwala was on New Street near Wilko with her children on Tuesday when she spotted the selfless benefactor.

She said: “My kids insisted we give a homeless man some money but I literally had less than a pound in change. I dug it all out of my handbag and then passed it to the kids to give to him.

“As we walked a few steps away I heard the guy shout out at me and say ‘did you see that?’

“A man in a black hooded rain jacket had walked past and handed him an envelope with some notes.

“It was a tidy sum to keep him comfortabl­e for the next week. Then another homeless guy walks up to us and the two homeless guys talk with each other as they realise they both had been gifted by this hooded guy.”

Fatimah added: “We all tried to get a good look at him but the generous guy had literally handed the money and walked straight off”.

Have you seen the mystery figure? Contact the Examiner newsdesk on editorial@examiner. or 01484 437712.

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