Huddersfield Daily Examiner



2 tsp cumin seeds 4 tsp sesame seeds 8 cardamom pods 1 tsp black peppercorn­s 2 tsp ground coriander 2 tsp ground cinnamon 1 tsp turmeric ½ tsp Maldon sea salt 500g strong flour 2tsp fine salt 1 tbsp unrefined golden caster sugar 1 tbsp dried yeast 350ml water, lukewarm 2 tbsps olive oil 3 tbsp black and (or) white sesame seeds With damp hands, roll the mixture into neat balls about 4-5cm in diameter and set them on a tray. Cover with clingfilm and chill until required. To make the flatbreads, put the water, yeast, sugar and olive oil in a bowl and stir. Leave for 10 minutes to allow the yeast to become frothy. Sift the flour and salt into a bowl, add the sesame seeds and stir in the yeasty liquid, bringing the mixture together into a soft dough. If it’s too wet, add a little more flour. Turn out onto a lightly-floured surface and knead briskly for 10 minutes. Pop into a large oiled bowl, and cover with oiled clingfilm. Leave in a warm place for about an hour, or until it has roughly doubled in size. Tip out of the bowl and knock the dough back, then divide into 8 evensized pieces. Roll each piece out into a neat disc about 5mm thick. Leave the flatbreads to rise a little for 10-15 minutes. Then, heat a thin frying pan and brush very lightly with olive oil or clarified butter. Fry each flatbread for 2-3 minutes each side, making sure they brown well and char slightly in places, then remove from the pan and keep warm under a teatowel as you process all 8. When you’ve finished, stack them in a bowl and cover with clingfilm. To re-heat, simply wrap in foil and warm through in a medium oven for 5-10 minutes. Now there’s just the cherry sauce to make. Put the cherries, molasses, cinnamon and lemon juice in a non-reactive pan and bring to a gentle simmer. When the cherries are nicely softened, remove one third and pass through a sieve or whizz in a blender. Return to the pan and bring to the bubble again. In a small cup, mix the vinegar with the cornflour until smooth and whisk into the bubbling cherry sauce. You’re after a nice, smooth and thick sauce. Add a little water or vinegar if it is too stodgy. To serve, heat a pan with a little olive oil or clarified butter and fry the meatballs over a medium heat, browning them all over. When cooked through, serve a few on each flatbread drizzled with the cherries and their sauce. Garnish with the toasted pinenuts and plenty of chopped parsley.

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