Huddersfield Daily Examiner

Care home criticised for failing standards


A CARE home in Heckmondwi­ke has been placed into special measures.

Newlands Hall was rated as ‘requires improvemen­t’ twice by the Care Quality Commission (CQC), the independen­t regulator of health and social care services.

It was inspected in February last year and found to be failing on safe care and treatment and good governance.

During unannounce­d re-inspection­s in June, there were breaches relating to the same issues, as well as recruitmen­t of staff, staffing, consent to care and records.

Record-keeping, including in relation to fire safety and staff training and competency to administer medicines in particular, fell below standard, leading to a number of problems.

The home, where 27 older people are cared for, was not compliant with the Mental Capacity Act 2005.

The latest CQC report stated: “A person who received their medicines covertly did not have a capacity assessment in place regarding this decision and there was no evidence other relevant people had been involved in the decision making process to ensure it was in the person’s best interests.”

If a person has the capacity to consent to their own care and treatment, it is unlawful for a decision to be made by others.

Inspectors also observed two occasions when staff attempted to move residents by lifting them under their armpits, which is no longer considered good practice.

The report stated: “Where people needed assistance with aspects of their mobility, their records did not contain sufficient informatio­n.

“There was no informatio­n within the care plan for a person who had experience­d a number of falls, as to how staff were to assist them to get up from the floor.”

Elsewhere in the report, CQC inspectors judged the home to be caring, highlighti­ng that staff encouraged residents to retain their independen­ce where possible and respected their privacy.

They also praised the chef and the activities co-ordinator.

Newlands Hall will now be kept under review and is likely be inspected again within six months. The maximum time for adult social care services being in special measures will usually be no more than 12 months.

A spokespers­on for Regency Healthcare, which runs the home along with six others, said: “As a service we are very disappoint­ed that the standard of documentat­ion had dropped below what we would demand of ourselves.

“We have been working very closely with the CQC to review how the home operates, to streamline practice and to improve documentat­ion. Additional support is also being provided to the home. We have already seen real improvemen­t across the service.

“A meeting was arranged with the residents and the relatives who were very compliment­ary of the staff and were happy with the care provided.’’

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