Huddersfield Daily Examiner

This is why dogs should always be on their leads


Gordon Banks, former footballer Michael Nesmith, singer/songwriter

Jeff Lynne, rock musician Nick Skelton, showjumper, Tracey Ullman, actress/comedian, Jay Kay, singer Tiger Woods, golfer, Eliza Dushku,

Ellie Goulding, singer I WAS saddened to read the article about two dogs savaging poor Jessie the cat to death outside her home and then their owner dumping her body over a wall (December 29).

My heart goes out to Jessie’s owner Harry and his family.

My friend’s chickens got killed by a dog off the lead on her property! When confronted, the guy just threw a £20 note at her.

It seems like the only reason the police got involved was because of the paper.

You wouldn’t print what I would do to the idiot if this happened to my moggies.

Hopefully these people are in the minority and give other dog owners a bad press, but their dogs should be on a lead at all times.

Dogs have approximat­ely four times more sensitive hearing than humans and also have a more extensive range of hearing – they can hear much higher frequency sounds than we can so just imagine how loud a firework bang is for a dog.

The smells and flashing lights of fireworks are also unusual for dogs and can cause extreme distress to our four-legged friends.

Fireworks tend to be sudden, unpredicta­ble and bright.

This combinatio­n of effects can often have a profoundly negative and, in many cases, lasting impact on dogs.

We would urge anyone who is thinking of putting on a fireworks display to consider their four-legged friends and give notice to owners in the area to ensure they can make plans to keep their dog safe and happy.

Further informatio­n and advice for dog owners can be found at www.dogstrustd­ to encourage children to be physically active if we’re going to protect their health and the future of our health service.

We are in the middle of an obesity crisis. One in five 14-year-olds is obese. In fact, by the time children leave primary school one in three are already obese or at least they are overweight. It’s not just about eating better but about moving more.

Medical experts advise that children are active for at least 60 minutes a day to stay fit and maintain a healthy weight, but just a fifth achieves this.

The walk to school is an easy way for children to add more active minutes to their day and ensures children develop healthy habits for life.

We need to get people out of their cars to reduce vehicle dominance and make our streets safer.

The way to achieve this is through behaviour change initiative­s and the creation of safe walking routes.

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