Huddersfield Daily Examiner

Brexit voters failed by ‘democratic’ process


Ringo Starr ex-Beatle, Michael Howard, former Conservati­ve Party leader, Bill Oddie comic actor/wildlife presenter,

Tony Jacklin, former golfer, Michael Ancram, former MP, Shelley Duvall, actress,

Rob Newman, comedian/author/political activist, WELL, we now know that we are not immediatel­y leaving the EU as the majority of UK voters wanted according to the Brexit ‘mark 3’ plan that advocates a compromise customs proposal.

What I have to ask the Prime Minister is, what did the UK electorate vote for, as it was either in or out, but where it now appears to have been a useless piece of political manoeuvrin­g to stay in the EU no matter what the greater part of the people voted for?

For if Mrs May does the dirty on the British electorate there is no coming back for them and where Labour would vote against the majority of the people’s wishes also, as they have said that they would back a customs union. Consequent­ly, another question has to be asked. Have we a party for the people anymore as it appears not. Therefore it is apparently clear that the people are now left with no-one really representi­ng their votes or wishes. But, in my imaginary world I thought that politician­s were the servants of the people, but sadly now it appears to be the other way around.

For in essence it should not really matter what our politician­s want (they are the people’s servants and what a laugh that is).

The people have spoken, but I doubt that people will ever trust politician­s ever again after Friday’s decision and this may very well lead to anarchy in the future, just possibly like it did in the 1930s with a certain person with a silly moustache?

The politician­s should think very deeply about what they are doing and what the word democracy really means.

For it certainly does not mean in this country anymore what Lincoln espoused in that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth. beggar belief, but are not uncommon in today’s ‘me me’ society. If she believes that racism and discrimina­tion are acceptable in today’s workplace then I truly feel sorry for her.

If she also believes hundreds of people would take those refuse jobs under those conditions she must be deluded.

Bullying and discrimina­tion of any sort have no place in today’s workplace or in everyday life.

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