Huddersfield Daily Examiner

Police stopped car on 4am casino run


A DRINK-DRIVER’S luck ran out when he was caught giving his friends a lift to a casino.

Benjamin Scott was over the limit when police spotted him in Lockwood in the early hours of the morning.

There was nothing wrong with the 24-year-old’s driving and he simply caught the officers’ attention because there were four men in a car at 2am, his solicitor said.

Scott, of Maple Avenue in Golcar, pleaded guilty to driving while over the prescribed limit and using a vehicle without insurance.

He was noticed by police in an unmarked vehicle heading along Lockwood Road early on August 19.

Vanessa Jones, prosecutin­g, told Kirklees Magistrate­s’ Court: “They saw the Ford Focus and spoke to Scott because of the time of day and noticed they could smell some alcohol on him.”

Scott was arrested after failing a roadside breath test. Further tests showed that he had 50 microgramm­es of alcohol in 100 millilitre­s of breath. The legal limit is 35 microgramm­es.

His solicitor Jonathan Slawinski explained that the car belonged to his mother and he wrongly assumed that his insurance covered its use.

He said that Scott had been at a friend’s house that evening and had two to three drinks and miscalcula­ted the amount.

Mr Slawinski told magistrate­s: “He was dropping his friends off at the casino and there were four blokes in the car.

“I think that’s the only reason they spoke to police. He came to a stop and was fully co-operative.”

Magistrate­s in Huddersfie­ld banned Scott from driving for 12 months.

He was fined £420 and will have to pay £85 prosecutio­n costs plus £42 victim surcharge.

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