Huddersfield Daily Examiner

Litter louts create razor sharp danger for dogs


Karl Lagerfeld fashion designer, Jose Feliciano, singer/guitarist, Judy Geeson, actress, Joe Perry, rock musician Amy Irving, actress, Carol Decker singer, Siobhan Fahey, singer, Colin Firth, actor, Guy Ritchie, director, Tim Stimpson, rugby union player, Ryan Phillippe, actor, WHILST out walking with my dog Paddy on the country lanes around Netherton and Meltham in the last week, there appears to be a new danger lurking at the roadside.

I pick up litter in this area on a regular basis, but a vast amount has been hidden in the grass verges.

Many of these have been recently cut back to reveal the full horror show.

We now have the situation where the blades of the grass cutter has ripped all the plastic bottles to shreds and left razor sharp pieces of various drinks cans exposed, which I’m sure will cause problems for wildlife and dog walkers ... grrrr.

What is wrong with these “people”? (I would call them something else on a different forum).

They have no respect for their community, no respect for the planet and probably no respect for themselves.

Sadly, I’m not sure what the answer is. FOLLOWING a millionair­e soccer pundit crisps muncher, a millionair­e scruffy rat of a singer, millionair­e REM singer Michael Stipe, et al, on stream comes another millionair­e by the name of Julian Dunkerton who announced he was donating £1m to the People’s Vote campaign.

Laughably, he says Superdry – his fashion brand – would never have been a success were it not for the EU Single Market.

It also might not have been a success if it were not for the 28p-an-hour wages his company pays Indian workers to produce Superdry clothes.

I never cease to be amazed at how the anti-Brexit Left holds up ethics-free unqualifie­d cronies as examples of people to whom we should pay homage.

Have they got their eyes on some ermine robes too for wrecking UK sovereign democracy, I wonder?

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