Huddersfield Daily Examiner

Labour ‘should be backing Remain’


LABOUR heads into its party conference facing a battle over Brexit policy ahead of a looming general election.

Activists have mounted a campaign to push the party to throw its weight behind the Remain cause in any second referendum, despite Jeremy Corbyn’s hints he could stay neutral in a public vote.

Mr Corbyn has said that a Labour government would secure a “sensible” Brexit deal and put that to a referendum, with the other option being to stay in the European Union.

But scores of motions submitted by constituen­cy parties at the conference in Brighton have called for the party to back staying in the European Union – which could mean campaignin­g against a deal secured by Labour negotiator­s.

Michael Chessum, from the left-wing Another Europe Is Possible group told the PA news agency: “Labour’s members and voters understand Brexit is a Tory project – it’s about deregulati­ng the economy and underminin­g the rights of working class people and migrants.

“We’ve come so far in recent months – now we need clarity and energy in our message. Only by adopting a clear Remain position can Labour move the conversati­on on and fight the election on its domestic agenda.

“This isn’t about forcing Jeremy Corbyn to back Remain personally, it’s about the party machine – its vital data and infrastruc­ture.”

Scottish and Welsh Labour are both committed to the Remain cause, and members in Northern Ireland have submitted a motion to conference warning that “any form of Brexit threatens jobs, workers’ rights, migrants, the NHS, public services and the environmen­t”.

Brighton Kemptown MP Lloyd Russell Moyle said: “This year’s conference takes place on the eve of an election. We need to go into that election united in our Brexit position – both united in terms of having the policy our members and voters want, and having a united policy across the UK.

“That means being honest with the electorate, backing Remain and moving the conversati­on on to our radical domestic programme of jobs, investment and social justice.

“As an English Labour MP, I worry about the message it sends to voters in the rest of the UK to have UK Labour contradict­ing the position they hear from their own Labour parties.”

More than 90 motions are thought to have been submitted on Brexit, the majority supporting a Remain stance.

Efforts to find an agreed form of words for a conference motion will take place at a behind-closed-doors meeting, with a vote on the party’s position expected on Monday.

At the same time, Labour MPs Peter Kyle and Phil Wilson will promise to revive their bid to force a referendum on any Brexit deal that Boris Johnson brings to the Commons.

 ??  ?? Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn
Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn

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