Huddersfield Daily Examiner

Life is not a genre. You get happiness and sadness alongside each other all the time


Australian comedian Sarah Kendall, 43, wrote and stars in Frayed, a sitcom about a wealthy London housewife forced to return to her roots Down Under. She tells about the dark comedy WE just had an amazing cast and crew. It was such a fantastic group of people to work with, and we were also really lucky on the weather... actually, no we weren’t.

We were so unlucky. What was weird for me was to be filming a show set in the world of my childhood, and to be filming that show in the town that I grew up in.

That was a surreal experience. I got a real kick out of that.

I DON’T think I’m like Simone at all

but what I like about her is she’s a survivor.

No matter what happens to her, she’s constantly busting it, she’s constantly trying to figure out ‘How am I going to deal with this mess?’ And generally speaking, the way she deals with it is terrible, but she does something.

Even if it’s the worst idea possible, she just goes for it, and that’s a really fun character to write, because there’s no inertia with Simone. Even when she’s lying and deceiving people and pretending to be something she isn’t, she’s desperatel­y trying to get herself out of some kind of fix. THE physical stuff, certainly with my brother. He and I became increasing­ly physical, the more we got to know each other off set. We started to play up that sibling thing of physical violence.

We became comfortabl­e enough with each other that I could flick him in the nuts, or he would shove me into a bush as we were walking. But we had one particular punch-up that ended with me throwing a bicycle at him.

The director ran on set going ‘CUT, CUT, CUT!’ because we’d gone too far, but we were in hysterics! You’ve got a great cast on board, including the likes of Diane Morgan and Robert Webb. How did they become involved?

THEY were people I’ve worked with in the past who I just think are brilliant and funny.

I hadn’t written with them in mind, it was just, ‘Oh my God, imagine if we got Diane Morgan? Oh my God, can you imagine if we got Robert Webb?’.

Once I’d written the show and then thought about casting, it was a sort of pie in the sky idea that we’d approach them. So then when they said yes, I was just so happy to have them involved.

When you hand over your writing to such skilled, comedic actors, then you’re like ‘Wow this scene crackles!’. THAT’S all in the writing and having the confidence to play a serious scene and let it be serious, and let it be authentic.

If you’re not forcing the funny and you’re not forcing the darker stuff, if it feels organic and real, then I think it’s fine because that’s what life is like. Life isn’t a genre.

You get happiness and sadness alongside each other all the time. We’re quite used to that and I think in fiction that’s fine too.

As long as it’s not sentimenta­l you know. When it’s sentimenta­l, that’s when it becomes a bit yuck. FOR me, the key thing about it being the ‘80s is that it’s the last pre-internet era. The internet is really as big as electricit­y being discovered. It’s as big as the car being invented.

This is a civilisati­on before the digital age and that meant so many things – no mobile phones, no social media. People could disappear without a trace; people could move to the other side of the world and reinvent themselves.

You didn’t know where people were every hour of the day, you couldn’t contact people whenever you wanted to.

It’s a world that has completely disappeare­d and it creates that sort of pressure-cooker feel. IN the ‘80s, the way most people in Britain were seeing Australia was through the lens of Home And Away and Neighbours.

There was this sun-drenched, happy landscape of these healthy, happy Australian­s, either by the coast or living in suburbia. I wanted to do a show that was a filthy companion piece to that.

I wanted it to be a much darker version of those worlds. You’ve still got lots of sunshine and that healthy outdoor living, but the place is a bit of a s***hole.

There’s lots of unemployme­nt and there’s some pretty dark stuff happening in this world and, as the series goes on, you realise that there’s a load of characters with some pretty dark secrets.

 ??  ?? Comedian Sarah Kendall Was there much comedic improvisat­ion when filming? The series is set in the late 1980s. How does it embody the era?
Comedian Sarah Kendall Was there much comedic improvisat­ion when filming? The series is set in the late 1980s. How does it embody the era?
 ??  ?? You filmed in London and Newcastle, Australia where both you and your character, Simone, hail from. Was it good to be back? Tell us more about Simone. Could you relate to her in any way? Kerri Godliman as Bambi and Sarah Kendall as Sammy, aka, Simone in Frayed
You filmed in London and Newcastle, Australia where both you and your character, Simone, hail from. Was it good to be back? Tell us more about Simone. Could you relate to her in any way? Kerri Godliman as Bambi and Sarah Kendall as Sammy, aka, Simone in Frayed

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