Huddersfield Daily Examiner

The four head lice hot spots parents need to


CATCHING head lice is a pretty common part of childhood, especially during term time at school, when kids are spending lots of time together in the classroom and playground.

Head lice are tiny bugs, about the size of a sesame seed, which feed on small amounts of blood from the scalp. They spread through head-to-head contact and are not harmful, but can cause itching and discomfort, especially for children.

“It’s important to check for head lice once a week,” says expert Ian Burgess. “An easy way to remember is to set a reminder on your phone, to ensure you don’t forget.

“Anyone can get lice – young, old, male or female – so if lice are found, ensure you inspect the heads of those around you, and ask close family and friends to check, in case the infestatio­n has spread.”

Ian says that while avoidance tactics will not stop you from catching head lice, minimising head-tohead contact can help. Here are a few scenarios where parents should be extra diligent this spring...


occur when children get their heads together over group project work at school.

Couple that with the fact that most primary schools have two to three play times a day – where children are inseparabl­e – and you’re looking at plenty of prime opportunit­ies where head lice can spread.


together round a tablet.

All these activities involve several children in close proximity, which generates a lot of close head-to-head contact, making it a lice-friendly event.


THE tendency to snap away to get that perfect photograph leaves plenty of time for lice to transfer between heads.

As more and more friends gather to get in the frame, the lice can make the most of their opportunit­y and sure enough, the letter home to parents is as good as on its way.

 ??  ?? CLOSE contact can
A child’s hair being checked for nits
THESE often involve late nights, midnight feasts, getting cosy for the latest film, or crowding
CLOSE contact can A child’s hair being checked for nits THESE often involve late nights, midnight feasts, getting cosy for the latest film, or crowding

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