Huddersfield Daily Examiner

This time, selfish fantasies will sicken even his fans


STANDING outside in the Florida night heat, waiting to pick up a takeaway this week, those in line – two metres apart – were discussing the spread of the coronaviru­s.

The fears expressed were no doubt the same as those in restaurant queues in the UK and around the world, until that one booming voice took over.

We all know how loud Americans can be. It’s like a primal instinct among many of the males to blast everything that comes out of their mouth so the whole world can hear. Over the years, I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve had to move tables so I can hear the person opposite speak as a whole restaurant is subjected to that one guy’s shouting.

And this week was no different.

As 20 or so of us waited, one alpha American male forced his way into the conversati­on.

“AS LONG AS WE’VE TRUMP IN CHARGE WE WILL BE THE ENVY OF THE WORLD,” he boomed before trying to get everyone to chant “U-S-A, U-S-A, U-S-A”.

It wasn’t until ‘Aaron’ launched into a rant about how Donald Trump’s “leadership” was saving millions of lives, one woman – no older than 25 I’d say – snapped. She produced a chronologi­cal list of Trump’s quotes since the outbreak began. Dressing him down, she began reeling off the President’s quotes.

“January 22: We have it totally under control. It’s one person coming in from China. It’s going to be just fine.”

The President’s elderly base are among the most at risk from coronaviru­s, but he won’t stop feeding them his dangerous untruths

“February 24: The Coronaviru­s woman finished as ‘Aaron’ stood is very much under control in the in stunned silence looking like a USA. Stock Market starting to scolded schoolboy. look very good to me.” Only on Monday Trump

“February 25: I think that’s a followed up his deluded problem that’s going to go away… dangerous behaviour with “if it They have studied it. They know was up to the doctors, they would very much. In fact, we’re very keep it shut down, they would say close to a vaccine.” ‘let’s shut down the entire world’,” “February 26: The 15 as he supported sending people (cases in the US) within a back to work by Easter. EASTER! couple of days is going Today, as America’s cases and to be down to close deaths to skyrocket, the World to zero.” Health Organisati­on believes the US

“February 26: has the potential to become the new We’re going very global epicentre of the pandemic. substantia­lly But not in Trump’s world. down, not up.” His handling of the crisis has

“March 4: If we been nothing short of negligent, have thousands fuelled by one thing – his or hundreds of re-election. thousands of people By comparison, Brits should be that get better just by, you thankful to have a Prime Minister know, sitting around and even who, whether you like him or not, is going to work – some of them go showing what leadership is about. to work, but they get better.” The twisted irony of Trump’s

March 5: “I NEVER said people shameful handling of the virus, that are feeling sick should go to in putting the economy first, work.” he is killing off the very base of

“March 6: I think we’re doing a supporters who elected him. really good job in this country at So let us just imagine what the keeping it down. A tremendous President may say next. job at keeping it down.” April 1: “I spoke with the

“March 6: People are surprised funeral homes, they tell me the that I understand it. Every one of profits are tremendous. these doctors said, ‘How do you “And the coffins are beautiful. know so much about this?’ Maybe “Tremendous amount of timber I have a natural ability. Maybe I coming from Alaska. The industry should have done that instead of is booming .... Huge boost for the running for president.” economy, my administra­tion has

“March 9: This blindsided the done great work. world.” “We are making billions and

“March 17: I felt it was a billions of dollars. Winning again.” pandemic long before it was Not only does the world need a called a pandemic.” vaccine from COVID-19, but it

“Shall I go on?” the young also needs one from Trump.

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Donald Trump
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