Huddersfield Daily Examiner

Automatic planning permission for new homes ‘flawed’


- By TONY EARNSHAW Local Democracy Reporter @LdrTony

LIBERAL Democrats in Kirklees have attacked Government proposals to give ‘automatic’ permission to new homes, calling them ‘flawed at a very fundamenta­l level.’

They have called for cross-party backing – as well as support from the borough’s MPs – to reject what they describe as ‘ill-conceived plans.’

They were reacting after Housing Secretary Robert Jenrick announced ‘permission in principle’ would be given to developmen­ts on land designated ‘for growth, renewal or protection’ to speed up building.

He said it would assist homes, hospitals, schools, shops and offices to enable people to ‘get going.’

His comments in the Sunday Times came just two weeks after the deputy leader of Kirklees Council, Clr Peter McBride, suggested that the authority was planning to trim back the number of planning committees.

Only one out of the council’s three planning committees is currently meeting.

Clr McBride said developers felt constraine­d ‘by the degree of member involvemen­t’ – meaning committees at which councillor­s could represent the views of residents.

A fortnight later he was contradict­ed by council leader Clr Shabir Pandor, who said there were ‘no plans to weaken or abolish any planning committees.’

However, it is not certain whether Clr Pandor was aware of Mr Jenrick’s plans.

The debate over planning committees was initiated by the leader of the Kirklees Liberal Democrat Group, Clr John Lawson, who questioned whether democracy might be weakened by cutting the number of committees.

Reacting to the Government’s surprise announceme­nt, Clr Lawson said rushing houses into developmen­t could reduce quality and lead to slum dwellings.

He said the Lib Dems were not arguing for no change. Instead they shared the fears of charity Shelter that the country could end up ‘building the slums of the future.’

He commented: “The Hackitt report [which followed the Grenfell fire] found that independen­t bodies should have oversight of building control of new homes. The current arrangemen­ts amount to developers ‘marking their own homework.’

“We desperatel­y need housing but it needs to be the right sort, of good quality, and in the right place.

“We need social housing and starter homes and homes for those down-sizing to free up larger family homes – but the infrastruc­ture has to come with them.

“Highways, school places and other services can’t be magicked out of thin air. We have planning to make sure that developmen­t is sustainabl­e.”

He reiterated his group’s call to reinstate local planning sub-committees, which he said were ‘vital’ in shaping local applicatio­ns ‘not in a NIMBY way, but in a way that makes sure residents get the very best out of each applicatio­n big or small.’

He referred to them as providing ‘checks and balances’ around strong planning decisions and that they provided a ‘democratic glue’ so that communitie­s are as engaged as they can be in things that are happening around them”.

The Lib Dems believe the trend over the past few years has been for planning committees and the public to have ‘less and less say’ over what is built in their neighbourh­oods.

If an applicatio­n is refused a developer can go to appeal. There is no such appeal for the public if an applicatio­n is granted permission. Instead it must go to Judicial Review.

The Lib Dems’ call for clarity on local planning was part of a campaign to persuade the Labour-led council ‘not to compound the mistakes made by the Conservati­ve Government in the plans for permitted developmen­t.’

They said Mr Jenrick’s proposals for automatic developmen­t were ‘flawed at a very fundamenta­l level.’

They backed the Local Government Associatio­n’s stance that twice as many homes have been given permission than ten years ago and that a million homes approved by councils have yet to be built.

Clr Lawson warned against eschewing public notices and letters in favour of pushing the public towards online informatio­n.

“[That could mean that] the first people will hear of an applicatio­n is when the diggers arrive.

“Kirklees residents shouldn’t have to keep a watching brief on particular parts of websites to see if there is something happening in their street.”

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