Huddersfield Daily Examiner

‘I tell our Roman how much his mummy loves him’



CHELSEA Pearce, 29, died minutes after giving birth to her longed-for son on December 4, when a blood clot was found moving towards her heart.

The first-time mum was said to have planned her son’s first Christmas to the last detail.

Speaking out for the first time, her partner and her son Roman’s dad, Robbie Whiteley, 29, spoke of how although the time between mother and baby was short, the bond is unbreakabl­e.

Robbie said: “Our son, Roman, is so beautiful and brave. He’s full of happiness and love.

“I know he knows Chelsea well – he was inside her for nine months and I know Chelsea knows him too.

“It’s brutal that the time they spent together was so short but I truly believe that the bond is unbreakabl­e.

“I tell him every morning how much his mummy loves him and how much his daddy loves him too. He’s our little Rooster, our little Roo Roo.”

Chelsea, from Halifax and who was training to be a midwife, had just become the ‘mum she had always dreamed of being’ when her condition became serious.

She had always planned to have a Caesarean on December 4, due to an underlying lung condition but was rushed to Calderdale Royal Hospital when her waters broke.

Despite there being no obvious complicati­ons during birth, a midwife found her collapsed when she was getting up to go to the toilet.

Chelsea’s mum, Colette, 57, was alerted to ‘a serious problem’ while she was at work, and due to the exceptiona­l circumstan­ces, all the immediate family were allowed into a side room while the new mother underwent emergency surgery for the recently discovered blood clot.

Colette said: “When the surgeons came into the room to deliver the news, it was written all over their faces. It was absolutely horrific and unbearable to hear.

“Words can’t even describe the pain. Some days, I still get up and I don’t believe it.

“She was so caring, always going above and beyond for everyone.

“She was fun, and never stopped talking.

“She had always had an affinity with children and was so dedicated and diligent.

“She never had a bad word to say about anyone.

“A couple of times, she became breathless but she was checked out – all was fine.”

Chelsea had chosen the name Roman John well in advance, and was said to be ecstatic and elated about

Roman’s arrival. As Christmas arrives, Colette added: “We know that Chelsea died due to a blood clot, but there are still so many unanswered questions which hopefully will all come out in time due to ongoing investigat­ions. Sometimes it still doesn’t feel real.”

Robbie added: “As it’s Roman’s first Christmas we all want it to be as special as it can be, but it’s a deep sadness, knowing he can’t spend it with his mummy.

“Chelsea had everything planned for Christmas and it’s heart breaking to know she isn’t here to spend it with us.”

The family wanted to thank Guardian Funeral Care, who held the service, on Tuesday, December 22, who they believe went above and beyond.

Words can’t describe the pain. Some days, I still get up and I don’t

believe it.

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