Huddersfield Daily Examiner

Was devastated when doctors said my cancer was terminal... but I haven’t given up’



A DAD of four has spoken about how he felt devastated to be told his cancer was terminal – just two days after he thought he’d been given the all-clear.

Glyn Whittaker, from Cleckheato­n, underwent chemothera­py and radiothera­py after a lump in his neck turned out to be tonsil cancer which had spread to his lymph node.

Towards the end of January he was delighted to be given the all-clear from throat cancer and was excited to return to work as an associate ambulance practition­er based at Brighouse ambulance station.

Sadly, his joy was very short-lived. At 1pm on January 22, just two days after being told the treatment had been successful, Glyn received a phone call at work in which he was given the devastatin­g news that cancer had spread to his lungs and that it was incurable.

Glyn, 52, supported by his wife Tracy, says he is determined to fight the cancer and he has not given up on beating it, despite the gloomy prognosis from his cancer specialist.

And he is determined his family will be OK financiall­y if the worst should happen. He has set up a special fund to help save the family home as the mortgage was not covered by critical illness insurance. He had only recently bought the house, which is his wife’s childhood home and is more than just bricks and mortar.

Glyn, who has previously served in the RAF and the Army, told the

Examiner that it was ‘absolutely devastatin­g’ to be told his cancer was not curable, but the support from his wife, family members, friends and colleagues had been ‘amazing.’

“I have had messages and cards and gifts – and jokes about how I will get off work. But ultimately it was absolutely devastatin­g. Mentally, I am quite a strong guy, but I did have a dark time. I thought it was terrible and what was I going to do.”

Glyn now has set his sights on fundraisin­g for his family and returning to work in May.

In the meantime, he has started a strict ‘fasting’ diet and has been researchin­g ‘home remedies’ to help him fight cancer. He is awaiting further scans and tests ahead of treatment to manage the cancer. With treatment, he has been told he has around five years or a little longer.

He said: “My wife Tracy and I haven’t given up on curing this unlike my oncologist and Macmillan nurse.”

His Go Fund Me page – titled ‘Saving my home from cancer’ – has already raised nearly £8,000 from around 300 donations. One donor paid £50 and called Glyn “one of the nicest people I’ve ever met.”

Speaking about the fund, Glyn aid: “I’m just looking for any help to try to leave my wife and kids safe and secure in our family home before the day comes I have to leave them.”

He found it ‘quite humbling’ to see how many people were supporting him. Friends and colleagues are also organising their own events.

A comedy night is taking place at Brighouse Sports Club on Sunday, July 28, featuring Colin Manford, Jack Carroll and Jenny Hart, hosted by Graeme Rayner. Contact Ross Mallinson for details on 07944 742762.

A football match on the same day will take place at Brighouse Town FC.

And James Clarke has set up his own GoFundMe page to raise money from a 120-mile bike ride from Leeds to York and back.

James said: “I am doing the ride for my good mate who has been diagnosed with terminal cancer – a proper good bloke with a lovely family.”

James has already raised more than £500.

 ?? Glyn Whittaker ??
Glyn Whittaker

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