Hull Daily Mail

Ferriby’s Bolder: It’ll take time for us to gel



BOSS Chris Bolder believes it could “take until Christmas” before North Ferriby players are developed into the side he wants.

The Villagers lost out 3-1 for the second time this season to Scarboroug­h.

They were level at 1-1 until two late James Walshaw goals sealed the spoils for the visiting Seasiders.

Bolder said: “Once again, we’ve shown we can compete with the better clubs in the division. It may take us to Christmas to really develop in the way that we want.

“We’ve had a tough start when you look at the sides we have already played but the players are learning and improving.”

This was a game of “déjà vu” for Ferriby and Scarboroug­h fans as it was very similar to the game at the seaside earlier this month.

As in the first game, a fairly even first half was followed by a second half controlled by Scarboroug­h.

Neither team could gain control for any length of time in an end-to-end first half.

Both midfields worked hard to send their sides forward but clear chances were few.

Wayne Brooksby ought to have put Scarboroug­h ahead but fired a good chance wide after eight minutes.

Ferriby responded with a Dan Norton shot that flew just wide and a Luke Lofts effort that was deflected for a corner.

A Jamie Forrester corner finally reached James Piercy who saw his shot cleared off the line by Ross Killock.

Jack Mail headed narrowly wide and Jordan Harrison saw Taylor block a shot.

In reply, Ferriby keeper Lewis Exall produced two blocks to deny Michael Coulson and Walshaw.

Both midfields worked hard with Luke Lofts and Forrester impressing for Ferriby and Nathan Valentine and Dave Merris, given too much space on the left, for Scarboroug­h.

Scarboroug­h controlled the second half from start to finish but actually went a goal behind.

Harrison latched on to a long ball and poked home past the advancing Taylor.

They had struggled until the introducti­on of substitute James Cadman midway through the second half.

Cadman soon made his presence known when his cross from the right was headed home at the far post by Coulson.

It took two goals in the 82nd and 87th minute to win the game for Scarboroug­h.

Walshaw obliged on both occasions, first a simple close-range tap-in and second, a neat lob over the advancing Exall.

This was, for much of the game, a good performanc­e by Ferriby.

Harrison was impressive throughout, both for his work up-front and his willingnes­s to get back and defend.

Ferriby: Lewis Exall, Ben Clappison, James Williamson, Jamie Forrester, Jack Mail, James Piercey, Ben Leyland (Alex Knox 86), Eddie Rogerson, Jordan Harrison (Paul Robson 86), Luke Lofts, Dan Norton, Subs not used: Joe Lamplough, Charlie Dunkerley, Kent Bannister.

 ??  ?? North Ferriby manager Chris BolderPict­ure: Paul Smith
North Ferriby manager Chris BolderPict­ure: Paul Smith

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