Hull Daily Mail


- Claire Petulengro


Older people make it hard for you to know where you stand. We’re all expected to throw our toys out the pram every once in a while, but it’s how those concerned take them back, when offered, that matters now. Mixed signals in love require you to take back control. Call for your full forecast. FOR MONTHLY READINGS CALL 09050 700 382 75p PER MINUTE + ACCESS CHARGE


News you did not expect to hear leaves you unsure how to react. Step away. Take a moment for you, so that you are not influenced by those who clearly chose sides long ago. Your ability to see right from wrong is strong now. Don’t let others mislead you. Ring now to keep your pride intact. FOR MONTHLY READINGS CALL 09050 700 383 75p PER MINUTE + ACCESS CHARGE GEMINI MAY 22 - JUNE 21 Mistakes you made, were in the past. Sometimes we have to go down the wrong road, to find the right. Those you thought you could rely on, may be busier than they thought, so be prepared to go about today’s responsibi­lities as a solo artist. Ring now to hear how love and work may soon cross paths. FOR MONTHLY READINGS CALL 09050 700 384 75p PER MINUTE + ACCESS CHARGE CANCER JUNE 22 - JULY 22 Anything is possible today. The stars give you the confidence to turn what was previously a no into a yes. Try to go easy on younger people who may be feeling foolish for their recent actions. The support you show now can dictate where your relationsh­ip goes from here on in. Call for support. FOR MONTHLY READINGS CALL 09050 700 385 75p PER MINUTE + ACCESS CHARGE


An air of change may see others commenting on how much you’ve changed. It’s how you see this change that matters, and not those whose lives will be upset with the way their own routine must also now change. The future is waiting, you can’t live it by going backwards. Ring now to talk more. FOR MONTHLY READINGS CALL 09050 700 386 75p PER MINUTE + ACCESS CHARGE VIRGO AUGUST 24 - SEPTEMBER 22 Mixed emotions saw you saying things you regret. You can’t take back the words, but you can with the next actions you take, grow not shrink towards your future. Having things in the open helps you talk about what the real issue is. Ring now to hear how Mercury gives you the gift of the gab today. FOR MONTHLY READINGS CALL 09050 700 387 75p PER MINUTE + ACCESS CHARGE


Where there’s a will, there’s a way. Nothing is impossible until you’ve explored every option. I see you’ve been seeking answers from similar sources. Opening your mind to new opinions can help you realise where you were going wrong last weekend. Ring now for a heart to heart. FOR MONTHLY READINGS CALL 09050 700 388 75p PER MINUTE + ACCESS CHARGE SCORPIO OCTOBER 24 - NOVEMBER 21 Your future is what you decide. Why have you been thinking that others can dictate or tell you what to do? It’s a mystery to me. Or could it be that you’ve forgotten what a powerful sign you are? News of someone important to your past tie up many loose ends for you. Ring now to talk more. FOR MONTHLY READINGS CALL 09050 700 389 75p PER MINUTE + ACCESS CHARGE SAGITTARIU­S NOVEMBER 22 - DECEMBER 20 A protective feel to others comes to the fore. You begin to realise who is not the humanitari­an character they painted themselves out to be. Changes you want to make require financial investment. Save don’t spend this week. Ring now to hear who has been holding you back from your dreams. FOR MONTHLY READINGS CALL 09050 700 390 75p PER MINUTE + ACCESS CHARGE CAPRICORN DECEMBER 21 - JANUARY 20 Stick to truths if you don’t want to be labelled a liar. You and I know you were not the one who started this atmosphere, but you’re certainly going to change it. Keep your eye on what you know has to happen next, it’s key to your survival and success. Call now to use your hidden strengths. FOR MONTHLY READINGS CALL 09050 700 391 75p PER MINUTE + ACCESS CHARGE


You seem to have upset someone you have only just made up with. Slow your pace and take in who is watching. It would seem that a drama has built up, which is in danger of becoming a side show. A new influence in your career can help you realise who you want to be. Ring now for a preview. FOR MONTHLY READINGS CALL 09050 700 392 75p PER MINUTE + ACCESS CHARGE


You feel as if you have gone into reverse but think of it from a different angle. You are simply backing up to get to the right path. You were set off course due to this year’s events. That’s not your fault. You are the most psychic sign…you can ride this. You were born to! Ring for support. FOR MONTHLY READINGS CALL 09050 700 393 75p PER MINUTE + ACCESS CHARGE

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