Hull Daily Mail

You won’t stop ban on using peat compost

- Hull.

WHERE does regular writer Peter Auty get his facts and figures from regards the use of peat-free composts?

Some contents in his letter are agreeable such as shipping coir around the world for us gardeners. He states the obvious regards pollution, but the explanatio­n on other by-products such as green waste is laughable.

He states that coir when imported can bring in harmful microbes and pathogens. Has he heard about material such as this being sterilised against this?

I mix coir with peat-free composts when I pot seedlings etc, and I’m well pleased with the results. I don’t use peat so cannot compare the results.

He states about green waste being added to peat-free composts and it can harbour weed seeds, fungi, weed killers and unwanted microbes, sawdust and many molds. Then he goes on to run down manure being added to peat free composts, which has gone through the animal’s body. The earth we grow in is full of unwanted nasties to start with, but then you wash your hands after even after wearing gloves.

Has he heard of well rotten manure? Is he now saying that it’s not good for the food chain? Tell that to a farmer who spreads his fields. Tell that to the guys who use manure on their veg plots both at home and the allotments.

If peat free contains all the nasties he claims, the Government would not allow this compost to be sold or even used.

If he claims all these nasties are in the peat-free composts, does he still eat potatoes, and other vegetables, grown on land that has had a good dose of farm yard manure?

East Riding Council gives away compost from people’s recycled waste collected by the bin men, which is taken away and put through a process that takes away harmful contents.

Lastly, where does he think Yorkshire Water gets rid of its waste from the processing works? Like everything else, it’s processed and made safe to use.

Mr Auty should stop scaremonge­ring and adopt the change like a lot of us have, and start using peat-free, as in time there will be no peat available as it is getting phased out.

Perhaps he might put this issue to bed, and embrace change, or better still give up gardening. You won’t change the ban on peat, no matter how many letters you write.

Rich Leeson,

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