Hull Daily Mail

Tory record is one of high debt and taxes


WHATEVER Conservati­ves like Jeremy Hunt may say, their record on our economy for 14 long years has been one of high debt, high taxes and low growth. Or to put it another way, decline, decay and failure.

Which is exactly why we need a fresh start for Britain, the chance for young people to gain new skills thanks to specialist employment support, new careers advisors and fresh work experience.

Hence, to be closing job centres in Fareham and Portsmouth when technicall­y in a recession is nothing short of a mind-boggling exercise that defies the logic of helping people find work.

The last cut in national insurance failed in a bid to go for growth and so will this one.

The only growth we have had in recent years has been all the garbage kicked into the long grass by Jeremy Hunt, Rishi Sunak and their infamous predecesso­rs anyway.

To quote David Cameron, the Conservati­ves failed to fix the roof when the sun was shining down.

Except this time the Conservati­ves have broken the windows, kicked down the door and taken a torch to burn the foundation­s too.

Instead of delivering on a promise of growth, Prime Minister Sunak has presided over yet another

Conservati­ve recession.

Hence, if the Tories had acted when Labour first proposed abolishing the non-dom tax loophole in 2015, we could have paid for an extra 62,000 nurses, or 36,000 doctors for the NHS every single year since.

Thus meaning that millions of patients could have been treated earlier than they currently are.

Add to this how disabled people have been completely ignored when it comes to the cost of living and it is clear that the nasty party never changes and now is the time for change and now is the time for Sir Keir Starmer and Labour.

Geoffrey Brooking.

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