Hull Daily Mail

Good Samaritan steps in after youths ‘steal bike’ from boy

Man who saw the post challenged two youths who were with cycle


A GRATEFUL family has thanked a Good Samaritan who retrieved a teenage boy’s stolen bike.

The 16-year-old boy was at Ings Skate Park last week when he was approached by three youths. Allegedly, one of the youths pulled the boy off the bike before cycling away on it.

The boy gave chase but was unable to retrieve the bike. His mother Asher Sorfleet, of east Hull, said her son had worked hard doing gardening jobs to get the bike, which was his “pride and joy”.

However, after Asher made an appeal on Facebook, the family had some good news. A man who saw the post recognised the distinctiv­elooking bike and challenged two youths who were with it.

Asher said: “I actually cried on the phone to him because it’s been so stressful. The man who found it could have just taken a photo and said ‘I’ve seen it,’ but he actually confronted them and got it back.

“These kids were walking around with the bike as if they’d done nothing wrong. They didn’t even take the bright green handle grips off. They are becoming very confident.”

Police were investigat­ing the incident and had visited her home, she said. “My son is so happy to have it back. Right away after CSI left he was back tinkering with it and he keeps it in the house now, not the garage, because he’s a bit paranoid after what happened.

“He’s been doing gardening jobs for friends and family. He worked to get his bike and he didn’t deserve this.”

Asher said her son’s previous bike was taken from outside Malet Lambert School less than a year ago and she advised other families to be vigilant.

“People just need to be aware because we’ve been very lucky,” she added. “A lot of teenagers forget things like this can happen.”

Because the bike had distinctiv­e features, it was easier for the Good Samaritan to identify it, Asher said. She advised people to register their bikes with the police and fit them with trackers.

 ?? ?? The distinctiv­e bike was found after Asher Sorfleet put out an appeal on Facebook
The distinctiv­e bike was found after Asher Sorfleet put out an appeal on Facebook

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