Hull Daily Mail

Inflated attacks and neglect of essential services are now normal

- Jeremy Hall.

DOCTORS swear the Hippocrati­c Oath that they promise to care for their patients.

Did Tory MPS (and Tory Party members?) swear the Hypocritic Oath recently? Formerly the Conservati­ve Party followed “the good chaps“theory in politics. This committed MPS and party supporters to principled behaviour with honesty and care for the “hard-working” members of our society.

Now the Tories are prepared to get down in the political gutter where inflated derogatory attacks on political opponents, the use of false “evidence” and neglect of essential issues is regarded as normal.

A prime example of the hypocrisy are the repeated attacks on Angela Rayner MP (deputy leader of Labour) claiming that she used the wrong address when putting her name on the Electoral Roll. The police have yet to find evidence on this and Ms Rayner assures any of the media that are not prisoners of conspiracy theories that she is not guilty.

For the Tories to spend so long turning an unproven minor “crime” into the second most significan­t political topic of the week reminds us of the childish negativity they applied when they claimed that, during Covid Lockdown, Keir Starmer drinking a pint of larger with a pizza was identical to the uncounted booze-ups in Boris Johnson’s number 10 when wine bottles were bought in by the suitcase-full.

Is one Labour MP’S possible “crime” the equivalent of the destructio­n carved through our democratic system by the Tories’

Elections Law (2022) by which up to 5 million UK adults might be prevented from voting in Local and Parliament­ary Elections?

An even more “significan­t” political topic apparently is whether Ms Rayner correctly declared the profit that she made when selling a small house in Stockport.

The accusation about her enormous tax fiddle (police enquiry unfinished at present- innocent till proven guilty?) was first made by Lord Ashcroft in a book he wrote published by one of his own companies. He lives for part of the time in Belize (to avoid paying too much tax on “his vast wealth” ) and was given his title after a large donation to Tory funds.

So applying the Hypocritic Oath, Tories pursue a relative wisp of supposed misbehavio­ur by a working class, Northern former single mother while the “big guys” go about their merry way. Remember Frank Hester (who said a black Labour woman MP “should be shot”- he donated £10m or was it £15m?) and Lady Mone, another Tory donor peer who was paid £200m to supply “protective medical clothing” for the NHS. Equality of treatment?

As for dealing with essential issues? Have they given us a full explanatio­n of why Import Checks on some foods and flowers, to be applied from April 27, will mean a charge of up to £145 on even small consignmen­ts? Importing chilled food will cost £1bn extra yet we are told that the Government has forced the cost of living down.

But as long as we can pursue Angela Rayner everything’s right in our Tory “governed” nation.

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