
Create a wildlife sequence in your garden


1 Set Preference­s

We shot our cat clips in Slo-mo mode. To make imovie play the clips in slow motion go to imovie>preference­s and tick the Slo-mo clips box. Close the Preference­s window.

2 Import clips

Go to Projects. Click ‘Create New’. Choose ‘Movie’. Hit OK. Choose File>new Event. Label it ‘Garden Safari’. Click on the Event. Click ‘Import Media’. Import our clips.

3 Add to timeline

Click and drag to select the clips in the My Media bin. Their borders will turn yellow. Drag the clips into the timeline. They’ll appear in the same order as they do in the bin.

4 Hide golf ball

Tap the spacebar to play the movie. In Clip05 we see the ball the cat is chasing. Place the cursor at the start of the clip and drag right to trim a few frames and lose the ball.

5 Remove person

Click on Clip05. Choose the Cropping icon above the viewer. Click ‘Crop to Fill’. Drag the crop handles to hide the distractin­g man in the corner. Select the tick to apply the crop.

6 Warm it up

Select the first timeline clip. Click the Clip Filter icon above the viewer. Click on the Choose Clip Filter icon. Double-click on ‘Vintage’ to warm up the selected clip’s colours.

7 Copy and paste

Click on the filtered timeline clip and choose Edit>copy. Shift-click to select the remaining four clips. Choose Edit>paste Adjustment­s>clip Filter to edit all the clips.

8 Add title

Click on the Titles browser. Drag the ‘Reveal’ title onto the first clip. Double-click the title bar in the timeline. Edit the text in the viewer. Here we’ve made it bold for impact.

9 Roaring lion

Go to the Transition­s browser. Add

‘Circle Open’ to the start of the sequence. Click on the Audio browser. Go to the Animals folder. Place ‘Growling Animal’ under the yawning cat.

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