
Mark up screenshot­s

You can do more with screenshot­s in terms of control and editing without needing to fiddle with the resultant file.


If you have taken screenshot­s on an iphone in IOS 11 then you’ll find the new screenshot setup in Mojave will already feel familiar. For starters, when you use the key combinatio­n to take a shot you will see a small thumbnail in the bottom right-hand corner (1) which can either be left alone, at which point it will disappear, or you can click it to do more with it. As soon as it is clicked it will appear in a bigger window with a selection of useful tools positioned at the top, including the ‘Signature’ option (2) which is very useful for signing documents. If you wish to mark up the image or document, there are a host of tools available for highlighti­ng, circling (3) and even adding shapes and text to the screenshot itself. It’s familiar, easy to use and will likely enable you to capture a shot, make the edits you want and then share it (4) without ever touching any other apps. It’s a one-stop solution that makes a task that some people use very often indeed more efficient than ever before, and without sacrificin­g any of the quality output that macos screenshot­s have always provided in the past.

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