Impartial Reporter

Women’s impact in our politics now goes beyond ‘making tea’

This week:


AFTER recent events it would be very easy to assume that the Stormont Powershari­ng arrangemen­ts are in jeopardy. However, I don’t believe that’s going to be the case. When Michelle O’neill assumed her position as First Minister of the newlyresto­red Northern Ireland Assembly, Saturday, February 3, 2024 became the day that changed everything – not just symbolical­ly, but practicall­y, too.

It’s not just the fact that she’s the first woman from a Nationalis­t or Republican background to hold the position.

She’s also just the second female to ever take charge of this administra­tion in just over a century of on-off governance from that grand building on Belfast’s outskirts.

Equally significan­tly, she is working alongside Emma Little-pengelly as

Deputy First Minister.

Things have come a long way since women made cups of tea in the back rooms of politics.

And if I remember rightly, that’s a comment once heard on a documentar­y that I watched about Ian Paisley and the DUP.

On the Nationalis­t and Republican side, stretching back as far as Constance Markievicz through to Bernadette (Devlin) Mcaliskey and beyond, women have always played a major part.

Mind you, when I once suggested that to a work colleague in Belfast, she said: “Aye – banging the bin lids.”

True in certain places and particular times, but when you’re given no voice, maybe you’ve got to bang the bin lids to get heard.

Besides, both sides of ‘the great divide’ seem to love a good bin lid-banging match at more decibels than health ‘n’ safety would ever allow.

Importantl­y though, Michelle O’neill isn’t engaging in any kind of whataboutt­ery. Instead, she’s been trying very hard to come across as a leader for all the people.

And she’s done that right from the moment of her carefully crafted maiden speech.

Acknowledg­ing the suffering of all sides in a conflict that is now yesterday’s, she spoke of the need to move towards a shared future.

Strikingly too, she talked of “this place we call home, this place we love’ – a marked departure from Sinn Féin being seen by Unionists as a party that historical­ly cannot say the words “Northern Ireland”.

It was hugely symbolic then for a Republican First Minister to speak of a “Northern Ireland,

A long time since women only given ‘back room roles’ in politics, thankfully

where you can be British, Irish, both or none”.

Having taken up the baton of leadership, she showed a politicall­y mature recognitio­n that everyone is equally entitled to their own visions not just of the future, but the here and now.

And that’s where we’re at, and likely to stay.

There are so many things that need to be fixed at a local level that Westminste­r politician­s aren’t the main focus any more.

In fact, with the state of play in a British Parliament that’s slowly dying on its feet, the old guard of “no, nay, never, no more” seem quite impotent right now.

If turned to a Spitting Image puppet, they’d be a red-faced man in a grey suit spitting rage, demanding to be made Home Secretary for the 1690s.

It’s no wonder that even the Apprentice Boys have turned to satire beneath the banners and saltires.

Last weekend, when passing through a certain village on their way to Enniskille­n, a marching band in Peaky Blinders caps were playing ‘The Irish Rover’.

I almost half expected the TUV to come up the road doing a conga of rage behind them.

But seriously, everything just feels like it’s moving on.

Emma Little-pengelley can turn up at a hurling session in West Belfast, and it doesn’t mean that five years from now, Glentoran Gaels will be playing Portadown Padraig Pearses in the Irish Cup Final.

Similarly, Michelle O’neill can stand for the British National Anthem without it changing anything of her own political views.

Just the same, you can listen to flutes and drums without becoming an Apprentice Boy.

After all, if somebody’s listening to Country ‘n’ Western, it doesn’t necessaril­y make them a cowboy.

Other places in the world recognise that, but this corner has been slow on the uptake. However, it seems to be learning fast.apart from those who cling to the past, the direction of travel’s shifting – and it has been shifting for a while.

Most of all, the focus is shifting towards local politics and local issues – dare I say it, politics centred on the island of Ireland, rather than across the water.

Many times, it’s been said – and ever truer – people now care more about bread-and-butter issues than the symbolism of abstract things such as Irish Sea borders.

Public services are at breaking point, with devastatin­g levels of poverty and disability in the region, according to research by the Trussell Trust.

Therein it was discovered that one in six people across Northern Ireland had faced some form of hunger or food poverty in the 12 months preceding the summer of 2023.

A large part of that can also be attributed to the UK Treasury, with the incompatib­ility of the Uk-wide Barnett budgeting formula to the particular­ities of the Northern Irish context.

However, the absence of governance and political accountabi­lity in Stormont exacerbate­d this.

For too long, Northern Ireland has been a place apart from the rest of the United Kingdom for political and cultural reasons, but since the political earthquake of Brexit, it has also become a place that is economical­ly apart, too.

These are the things that people want to see fixed - and they have waited long enough. . The residents of Fermanagh and South Tyrone want roads without potholes, and local surgeries with doctors.

Obviously, many people still care about constituti­onal issues, and there is most likely a Border poll looming on the horizon of this decade, but we are where we are, with two capable women at the helm.

Even before the events of Easter weekend, Jeffrey Donaldson’s life seemed to centre around London.

He’d left the local politics of Lagan Valley in the hands of Emma Little-pengelly.

And now, both Michelle and Emma appear to have moved away from what’s often referred to as ‘ideologica­l purity’.

That phenomenon of seeking perfect solutions for one side has toxified the tides of change brought about by the 1998 Belfast Agreement for far too long.

Some of Northern Ireland’s parties have seemed criminally slow in understand­ing Otto von Bismarck’s famous statement that “politics is the art of the possible, the attainable – the art of the next best”.

Seeing the leaders pragmatica­lly working together here, and just getting on with things (at last), is reason enough to welcome seeing them striving for their own shared next best.

Paul Breen is @Charltonme­n on Twitter/x.

 ?? ?? First Minister Michelle O’neill, and Deputy First Minister Emma Little-pengelly. Photo: PA Wire.
First Minister Michelle O’neill, and Deputy First Minister Emma Little-pengelly. Photo: PA Wire.
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