Impartial Reporter

Empowering women: Nuala’s event educates on female health


Victoria Johnston

AN ENNISKILLE­N health shop owner has said an increased number of customers seeking advice on hormones inspired her to hold an event focused on the subject. A successful night focusing on hormone health was hosted in the Killyhevli­n Hotel in Enniskille­n last week by Nature’s Choice, with the event attended by 400 women.

Nuala Lilley, who owns Nature’s Choice, explained the inspiratio­n to host the event was “the increasing number of customers, and particular­ly women, who are coming in with issues with their hormones that are not just menopause-related”.

She continued: “There’s an increasing number of young women coming in with endometrio­sis, polycystic ovaries and fertility issues, and then there are all the oestrogen-dependent cancers that are on the increase.

“We just felt that we have maybe a different message to put out there in terms of how women could protect themselves a bit more, and look after their hormone health a bit more.”

Speaking about the points raised at the event, Ms. Lilley said: “There were two different issues. ‘Love your liver’ was one of the quotes of the night.

“Liver health and bowel health are really important for women to look after in terms of keeping oestrogen under control.

“If a woman moves into menopause with too much oestrogen, it just complicate­s her whole menopausal experience.

“It’s supposed to be a natural transition; it’s not a simple transition, but it has become a nightmare for a lot of women.”

The other key focus was stress. Ms. Lilley continued: “The other thing that can really disrupt hormones is stress.

“We spent quite a bit of time talking about stress and the importance of women looking at where stress may be occurring in their bodies.”

She said difficulti­es with menopause is something she has seen throughout her 30 years running Nature’s Choice.

“It tends to be women can cope with the physical bit; they can deal with what is going on physically for them.

“But it’s the mental bit, it’s the anxiety, it’s the low mood, it’s the anger [that some can have difficulti­es with] - lashing out at people, and feeling that you’re not in control of yourself.

“That’s not mental health, that’s hormone health.”

Ms. Lilley spoke at the event as well as Orley Moyle, Education and Training Manager of Terra Nova UK, and Megan Malone Scott, who gave a taster of mindfulnes­s at the beginning and the end of the event.

Ms. Lilley wished to thank Terra Nova, Revive and Pharma Nord who sponsored the event, as well as all of those who attended.

The event was in support of Parkinson’s Support Fermanagh, and Ms. Lilley wished to recognise the achievemen­ts of the group, founded by Myrtle Hemple, who do a great deal to support those living with Parkinson’s as well as supporting families and carers.

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 ?? ?? Francia Goodall from Erne Holistics with Orley Moyal, guest speaker at the event.
Francia Goodall from Erne Holistics with Orley Moyal, guest speaker at the event.
 ?? ?? Louise Mccormack and Georgina Mckeown from Revive Active at the Nature’s Choice event.
Louise Mccormack and Georgina Mckeown from Revive Active at the Nature’s Choice event.
 ?? ?? ‘Twist of Hormones’ organiser Nuala Lilley speaking at the Nature’s Choice event held at the Killyhevli­n Hotel. Photos by Trevor Armstrong.
‘Twist of Hormones’ organiser Nuala Lilley speaking at the Nature’s Choice event held at the Killyhevli­n Hotel. Photos by Trevor Armstrong.
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